Am interested in developing a mobile app for work - want to send our engineers some job details to the calendar on their mobile device, then have them 'tick a box' when it is complete and log an entry back to the server in the office.
I've been doing some tinkering with my own android device, just to see what I need to learn, but before I get too far, are there any benefits to developing for Andriod over Blackberry or an Apple device?

I need to consider
a) cost (as far as I can see Andriod is free to publish apps, but need to pay to publish for BB?)
b) ease of distribution (can I just send the guys a weblink, or does it need to be published to an app store)
c) ease of programming (haven't done anything like this before, so steep learning curve expected whichever I choose)

I have been programming (mainly for pleasure) for 30+ years and have been taught Basic and Cobol, and then have self taught VB6 / VB.Net, SQL, Linux, Unix and a bit of C++ and have also tinkered with Arduino (makes it sound really geeky when I list it all like that!).

Any advice gratefully received

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