I'm guessing this forum section is close enough to ask a question about AGPs instead of PCI. General question on the steps the computer takes to take a saved picture and have it displayed on the monitor.

Using GAST, AGP is able to save a texture map on RAM and trick the CPU into thinking it is on the frambuffer. Then the CPU will process the information, send the information about the picture to the framebuffer of the AGP, the AGP to the graphics card, and then the card will convert the digital information to analog so that the monitor can display? Is this the right path and secondly, why does the texture map need to go to the CPU?


Let me ask you this:

What is GAST, and why exactly would you want to do what you're asking?

I'm not entirely up on this topic, but I'm sure with more information, others may help, or perhaps I can BS you an answer ;)

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