When I power up my Compaq Presario S3000NX I can hear the fan and the HD running then I hear single beeps about every two seconds. Also, there is also no output showing on the monitor. Is there anyone who might know what the problem could be?

The Presario has:

2000+ 1.67 GHz
AMD Athlon XP Processor

256 MD DDR SDRAM memory

40GB Ultra DMA hard drive



That is beep code for faulty memory module. You'll need to replace it.

If you want to stop the beeping, it is easy, unplug the system speaker, although that wont fix the problem.As chalky said, it sounds like a broken RAM card

I just wanted to thank you for the reply's. I pulled the cover off and quess what, there was no memory module in the computer. Someone had given me the computer a while back, and all they told me was that it kept beeping when they powered it up. Anyway, I went to the recommended site and have ordered a new memory module and should have my computer up and running in no time.:cheesy:

I have to tell you when I first got the computer a few months ago. I had posted on a site similar to this and never got a reply to my post about the beep code, so I gave up on it for a while, till I found this forum!
Thanks again, I love this site!

That is beep code for faulty memory module. You'll need to replace it.

I meant "faulty or missing". :cheesy:


a key was radomly jammed on my thinkpad and it did that (you know, like when you sit on a keyboard - not all machines beep if you do this)

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