Hello Friends,
I'm little bit New in LINUX DEVICE DRIVER WRITING.....

I need to write a NETWORK ADAPTER's Driver (Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet ) and in future USB devices....

Anybody who started this work or working already plz share some info/knowledge/docs/samples with me....

Thanking you in advance...
Naresh Bhalala B.E. Comp Eng, Mumbai

Just out of curiousity- why do you need to write your own drivers; is this a school project or something like that? The only reason I ask is that Linux drivers are open-source, so you are free to examine the code written by others; you'll get a lot of information just by examining that code.

In terms of network drivers in particular, Donald Becker is the author/maintainer of many of these drivers; visit the site below to see much of his (and other Linux driver developers') work:


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