i get this virus.what can i do?
help me plz.my english is poor.what can i do in the
www.microsoft.com/security/s...ns/ms03-026.asp. ?
what can i push there?
svc host exe error
plz plz plz

It seems that you are suffering from the blaster worm 32 virus or it's variant.Just copy and paste the following URL and choose win32blaster from the list and you wil just need to download the ' fixblast tool'...
if you have any problems understanding the other instructions,you will have to do ' system restore ' and ' locate RPC and select ' restart the service for first second and third times...if u have any problems regarding that,,,i can post the instructions again...and the page you have put up here-my browser says it's outdated-which means microsoft has shut down this page because of hack attacks... ;) :D goodluck


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