eladkarako 0 Newbie Poster

You can Take Ownership By a Click of a mouse.
Use the registry file I've attached to this msg.

those add a context menu to right clicking files && folders

the one with the -enable suffix, activate it
(and the other file with the -disable suffix, deactivate it)

now- just right click a file(or folder) you can't get access into,
select "take ownership" from the context menu,
a small cmd console will open and take control of the object,
if done on a folder, the ownership will be set on all sub folders (recursive) and files.

I've upload a second copy to rapidshare - http://rapidshare.com/files/113142199/Vista_TakeOwnership_RegKey.rar

Works on XP && Vista (All Tested)

Note that this gives Full Control to Administrators Group,
if you change this group's name (to new age "super-users"),
also- if you would like to change to another group or user(s).
make suitable changes with some notepad.

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