got a promblem with signin into msn

whats is your problem?

when i try to sign into msn messenger it come up with either "signing in to .NET Messenger Service Failed because the password is incorrect or the sign-in name does not exist. If you have forgotten your password, click Help in the main window, and then click Help Topics." or "Sorry we could not sigh you in because the sign-in name you entered does not exist or your password is in correct.
If you have forgotten your password, please click Help in the main Messenger window, and then click Help Topics for instructions on resetting your password. 0x81000303"

My password and login name is correct, iv tried them on friends computers and it was fine. Iv also tried signing into other peoples passports and they didnt work either. i havent downloaded any thing in the time it last worked and the time it didnt. Can you help me? This has happend before and in time it worked again but i dont want to wait another 5 months before it works again.

Please Help me x x x x

:) hey there...
try this...if it didn't work...just tell me..
All you need to do to fix this problem is go in to the Tools menu on Msn Messenger, Select Options and then click the tab or menu item titled Connection. Once you get here there is an option that says 'Test Connection'. This should bring up two errors, something about Auto thingamabob, anyways doesn't matter. Click Fix problem, it should say that it has succesfully fixed the issues that were listed. Then completely exit and restart Msn Messenger and everything should work fine. :D

Hey , thanx alot
but wen i get to the 'test connections' thing it cums up with "The changes you made to your connection settings could not be tested because the information you provided is incompleteor not valid. Please provide a server name and a port number larger than zero." Does this mean any thing to you because i ent got a clue. plz help!

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