This is what I got for a report.


At the time i was playing dungeon siege a computer game online, suddenly the monitor went blue, flashed bunch of normal error coding message, then the system shut itself down and restarted.

what was the error code on the blue screen ???

BCCode : 1000008e BCP1 : C0000005 BCP2 : E18E464B BCP3 : F4B5FAD0
BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 1_0 Product : 768_1

is the code.

I was reading somethin that said it could be my memory i already checked with my diagnostic software it shows as fine, no trouble there. So what else could it be?

I also checked my CPU its fine, all my hardware shows as being fine. I use Eurosoft PC-Check.

Games are notorious for getting confused. While ¨computers don´t make mistakes¨. software can. If it only happens once, don´t worry about it. If it happens repeatedly, contact the software manufacturer.

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