I have an XP Home OS with MS Outlook Express 6. I am able to add background sound to my e-mail by going to New Message/Background/Sound. Those receiving it will receive that message with background sound.

However, when they send me an e-mail with background sound, that background sound is received on my system as an attachment and not as the intended background sound. Why is this? :?: :?: When I had Win 98 & Win ME I had no trouble receiving e-mails with background sound as it should be.

Thank you for your valuable time and kind help.

~ b4bose

i didnt think that you could actually send an email with a background sound file. Im running microsoft outlook 2003 and i've just looked and there doesnt seem to any facilities for that.

it seems that maybe you are actually attatching the file although it might not look like it. that would explain why emails that come to you are coming with sound file attatchments.

out of curiosity what exactly are you going into. i'll have a better look in the morning:)

Thank you for your prompt response, Janine. I am not familiar with MS Outlook 2003 handling of e-mail background sounds. With MS Outlook Express it is possible to have background sounds in ones e-mail; i.e., as was with Win 98 & Win ME. Since I upgraded to Win XP Home it has not been possible for me to received e-mail background sounds, other than as an attachment.

I do not understand what you mean by, "Out of curiosity what exactly are you going into."

Thank you again for your help.

Thank you for your prompt response, Janine. I am not familiar with MS Outlook 2003 handling of e-mail background sounds. With MS Outlook Express it is possible to have background sounds in ones e-mail; i.e., as was with Win 98 & Win ME. Since I upgraded to Win XP Home it has not been possible for me to received e-mail background sounds, other than as an attachment..[/QUOTE]

could be that as only a possibility winxp might not support email background sounds. i have had xp home for 3 or 4 years now and haven't ever come across it. i was also running outlook express 6 until i upgraded to office outlook 2003.

I do not understand what you mean by, "Out of curiosity what exactly are you going into."

Thank you again for your help.

what menu options?

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