Is it posible to convert or copy an adobe acrobat document to a word or text document that you can write to?.
I'm currently looking for a job and all the online application forms are in adobe which means printing off a hard copy and hand writing the thing. I've tried changing properties and opening with word but that just gives you a rubish document.

The good news is "YES", you can convert *.pdf to *.doc without loosing the formating.

The bad news is that I'm not aware of a way to do it for FREE. You'll have to invest in some software. Here are two that may be of help. $29.85 for single user $39.95 for a download, add $9.95 if you want a CD

NOTE: Since I am not familiar with either of these (I have Adobe Acrobat on my PC), I cannot recommend either of them. You'll have to judge for yourself.

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