I think it's windows 7.

Susan_22 commented: it is definitely windows 10 +0

Hmm, my longest used version of Windows was Windows NT 4.0. It was on a very nice for the day dual PentiumPro Overdrive PC. Back then most PCs you encountered were single core.

Today it's Windows 10 and all works for me so that's fine too. And yes, I still use Linux, ChomeOS, Android and what else but I learned long ago to never get attached to any OS.

It took until win 10 to get me off win 7 and it took a wee bit of getting used to but i wouldn't go back, and being on the insider program i get regular insider preview build updates.

This report lists the market share of the top operating systems in use, like Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux.

If we’re talking about versions of Windows regardless of age, it’s Windows 10.
It’s the best one than the Windows which came before it. If we’re talking about
Windows versions as judged against their contemporaries at the time, then it is
Windows NT 4.0.

Windows10 unique and single operating system

Window 7 was a really friendly Windows that has a great UI, but it don't think it was a great in terms of security

How about Windows 95 and Windows 98 followed by Windows XP Pro SP3
Whichever all upgrades are built on the previous versions, Win 98 was a good building block for Win XP, and subsequent rebuilds to XP Pro SP3.

The worst application to come out of Microsoft are the Internet Explorers and now Edge, all exploiting the users Workstation and downloading information that they are not entitled to.

In th mean time, Keep safe from covid19


I used Windows 7 for a very long time but now swithced to Windows 10. Its been a year I'm using Windows 10 and very happy with it. its new amazing features and 3rd party apps are very supportive. Even MS is doing a lot of fixes for Windows 10.

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