My computer kept having the blue screen of death so I decided to reinstall winxp professional sp1 to see if i could've get rid of the problem but the installation process never completes. On the welcome screen of the winxp setup I press enter to set up windows xp new. Then i get to the End-user license agreement and I press f8 to agree. After that, i choose to format the partition using the NTFS file (quick) and then the set up starts formating. After it completes formating my drive, set up starts copying files. It gets to like 10% and then and error appears telling me "setup cannot copy the file: Palab.ttf so i press ESC to skip that file but right away it happens again this time telling me that the file Palai.ttg could en't be copied and I press ESC but the same thing kips happening for the files timesbd.ttf, verdanair.ttf, verdanaz.ttf, access.chm,, acledit.dll, aclui.chm, activeds, this are just a few of the files it was unable to copy. I kept getting errors after errors so i got tired and I kept on pressing ESC to see what will happen. The blue screen of death appears out of nowhere telling me something about CDFS_File_System, Technical Information: *** STOP: 0x00000026 (0x000401fe78, 0xf7076ef8, 0xf7076bf8, 0x8080fe78). I'm unable to reinstall windows XP can somebody out there help me with this?

It sounds like your CD is scratched or dirty... try cleaning it or getting a copy from someone.

CDFS is refering to the filesystem on the CD-ROM; I'll second the motion for checking the disk for damage.

If you verify that the CD isn't damaged, then you might have a hardware problem, which could account for the BSODs you were getting before you decided to reinstall. Do you remember any of the BSOD error messages? If you have any more detailed information you can give us, that might help us narrow things down.

did u erase the partition FIRST, and THEN format it? I had a similar problem.

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