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In another case of a potentially rogue government programmer, the investigator found more than he bargained for: tens of thousands of pornographic images of children.

As with San Francisco city government computer engineer Terry Childs earlier this year, Marc Young, computer applications manager for Canyon County, Idaho, was under investigation in September, 2006, for allegations that he planned to sabotage the county's computer network, such as by making law enforcement databases inoperational.

Instead, Idaho State Police Detective Brent Kessinger found the pornographic images on the county-owned computers -- which Young claimed had been planted there by a co-worker. Moreover, there was evidence that someone had tried to delete the images.

The result was five charges of possession of exploitative materials and four charges of destroying evidence, but not until Young -- who, incidentally, was the son of the county prosecutor at the time -- had been placed on administrative leave at full salary for more than a year, for more than $60,000.

Young pleaded guilty to one of each charge under an Alford plea, which does not admit guilt but acknowledges there is enough evidence to convict him. He has been sentenced to up to six years in prison but could be released in as little as 120 days after evaluation.

Moreover, the county limited further paid leaves to 90 days.

Young was never charged in connection with the initial allegations.

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