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Member Avatar for Agouri

Well... that is one option or you could alternate between printing and writing blank spaces over the written text ( like clrscr(), bt not using it ) with a delay command in the middle... You can keep doing that in a while loop until u press enter! Example code below …

Member Avatar for BeautyBeast
Member Avatar for lara_

Wow !! Now thats a heated argument. Coming to whats been asked: Replacement for getch() - getche() (similiar functioning) Code for taking in a character for password and printing the * after that : [CODE] char pwdin[50]; while(pwdin[i]!='\r') {gotoxy(41 + i,11); //Entering password pwdin[i]=getch(); if(pwdin[i]=='\b') //'\b' for recognising backspace {gotoxy(40 …

Member Avatar for nootan.ghimire_1
Member Avatar for bbb2k4life

Python Girl, i think there are too many applications running on ur system and they need time to shut down properly... And probably, ur system is just overloaded beyond its optimum capacity... Could u tell us about your Computer Specs ?

Member Avatar for lilgjems
Member Avatar for Slate2006

[B]For accepting a String :[/B] Cin works for accepting strings till a space is discovered. Instead of using cin.getline you can also use the gets() [available under string.h] function which accepts a string. It stands for 'get string'!! [B]To Find Length of String :[/B] Two ways : 1) Use strlen() …

Member Avatar for Sebelius
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

No idea... I've got A Dual Core Processor and a 2 GB Ram and was able to play the game without a problem... Switch off all unnecessary things.. Like for example : The windows sidebar.. Thats a pain.. takes up unnecessary ram space.. Switch of all downloads.. Web browsers, music …

Member Avatar for MasterHacker110
Member Avatar for RonKevin

Are u using Windows Vista by any chance ?? I've had the same problem.. Its a software glitch which was modified by a service pack update... Check if u downloaded that... If nt vista, then i dont know, could be a virus or probably some sort of parental controls :P

Member Avatar for RonKevin
Member Avatar for AKingston

Agree with Caperjack... Its usually caused by bad hardware - graphic cards, ram's etc.. Since u mention system memory dump and that too while playing games... Its just that either ur graphic card or ur ram is getting full too fast and is not being able to dump the memory …

Member Avatar for jeremaih
Member Avatar for goose001

Happened to me on my HP Laptop once before.. I finally had to throw that beautiful piece... And i did exactly the same thing.. But in my case, while inserting the RAM i managed to bend a part in the seat... Tried fixing it with a screw driver, ended up …

Member Avatar for deo2_mansehra
Member Avatar for SalicBlu3

The only way u can make space for new data while the user input, i.e simultaneously is through dynamic allocation... U can look up the functions 'new' and 'delete' which are used for allocating memory dynamically and releasing dynamically alloted memory respectively..

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for Vish0203

U could try invoking the exe file using command prompt... which u could initiate by using the 'system' command..

Member Avatar for Sky_Flyer
Member Avatar for DubyStev

Quoting the above people, its very simple... Two ways: 1) Passing through Arrays 2) Passing using pointers First Method : void function( float a [ ][ ] , float b [ ][ ] ) Second Method : void function (float *a, float *b)

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for lewashby

Yup... agree with him.. When u use srand, irrespective of when u run the program and when it isnt initialised with a random variable at any time, it will always generate the same set of random numbers... Run it at 4:00 Am, it'll probably generate 4,7,8,3,2.. Run it at 4:01 …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for Azmah
Member Avatar for Arandora
Member Avatar for acejames1

Well, u never know.. Apple too claims not to collect user data, but there have been many complaints regarding the same... Though nothing has been proven in the court of law till date..

Member Avatar for acejames1
Member Avatar for prasanna123

Well.. m sorry to go against what u just said zeroliken, but it isnt undefined... Its how the prefix and postfix operators work.. int main() { int i=1; printf("%d,%d,%d",i,++i,++i); return 0; } Try this and this should give u the output as 1,2,3.

Member Avatar for Sokurenko
Member Avatar for dannyfang

Guys i highly doubt that a junior computer science student will understand concepts like pointers when hes having problems with infering basic textbook examples... Lets just try to tone it down a tad bit so that people do get the answers to their solutions and dont end up getting confused.. …

Member Avatar for Sokurenko
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

What ur doing is putting a '1' wherever the condition is satisfied right? But what ur forgetting to do is adding a space whenever its not satisfied... Which is why there is a spacing problem.. Whenever the condition for printing '1' isnt satisfied, ask the compiler to print a space... …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69
Member Avatar for Kerrai

Yeah, i had the same problem... The solution i found to it, that is without using dynamic allocation, is writing all my data down into a separate file.. And then sorting the elements in the file by using functions like seekg() and tellg(). And after which u can read out …

Member Avatar for Kerrai
Member Avatar for sidra 100

Umm... u sure u added the header file ? I know it sounds rather stupid even mentioning it, but it is a pretty rookie mistake.. !! Add the header file and try clrscr() , like this below : #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); getch(); }

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for amethystglow

U cant have more complicated programs in addition of matrices... Its just a very basic concept... Well, but yeah, u could try addition of matrices by dynamic allocation instead of static allocation... That could give u the much sought after challenge u need...

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for rony.united7

Yup... Its compiler and os dependent.. For example, when using turbo c++, u cant use colors with cout, u have to use cprintf... If u use cout, it just comes as the default color..

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for haven_u

Nope... C++ doesnt support that... When reading data from a file, which once had data written into it using a matrix(arrays) , structures or classes, their definitions have to be stuck to... So, u cant read a file i wrote using 2 variables of int in a class, by using …

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for nathaniscool99

Yup.. u can use it by using 'cin.getline(temp1)'... Also make sure u make 'temp1' an array of say about atleast 15 characters so that the compiler has enough space to read data into the array !!

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for nathaniscool99

Dude.. dont look into the text file.. It'll probably show weird symbols and characters.. Its the computers way of storing data... U'd probably have entered stuff like : 12, Jake is a monster, I dont like him ... etc But wt u'll see in the text file when u see …

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for jeav12
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for Mojtabarahimi

Does 'printf' still work with c++ ? I thot 'cout' in dev and turbo c++ and std :: cout for vc++ . Though printf does work in turbo and dev c++ ...

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for raj874

This is a windows (win32) API programming question, not a C question. FindWindow() returns NULL if it can't find a window matching the supplied arguments. And yes, are you sure that the Windows Task Manager was even open when u ran this program ???

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for sumanth.boss

> Quoted Text Here > You can't do that with Turbo C++ because it's too old. Get a modern 32-bit compiler such as Code::Blocks or VC++ 2010 Express. Tubeo C++ is a MS-DOS only compiler Well, i disagree... It is possible...I've done it myself.. U just have to make sure …

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for Valiantangel

Thats because u put the value of a[2] into a[1] thats why. Luk at ur 3rd statement... If u put a[1] = a[0] and then print a[0] and a[1], ur output will be 1.1 1.1 !! I think u shud read up on arrays !!

Member Avatar for jaskij