Hey everybody i need help for a project im doin.I need to find out how people use math in the making of video games.What kind of math do they use and how??? Can u guys PLEASE HELP ME?!?!?!

http://www.amazon.com look for books about math in game programming. There are many.
Enjoy reading.

What kind of math do they use and how??? Can u guys PLEASE HELP ME?!?!?!

From my understanding there are several essential math fields used in games -
a. Geometry
b. Linear algebra
c. Applied mathematics
d. Calculus
There may be more, which doesn't come into my mind now.

About your second question part - it is too broad question to be answered in short way. Just a few hints:

For Geometry & Linear algebra -> read this book.

For Applied mathematics part - i don't know all uses of this field, but for example applied mathematics sub-field Optimization - is used in problems such as to find shortest path in map. Some games which requires optimal cooperative strategy may depend on Game Theory sub-field.

For Calculus part - If some developer need to implement *really* solid game physics engine - he/she must have calculus knowledge in one way or the other. You can read this book about physics engine development.

Happy reading :)

Here are a few examples

You need it for movements, not the animation but just moving on the board
In a health bar
In bullet count
Stat counting
NPC Artificial Intelligence

The list just goes on and on.

Ever think about the math required to position and orient an object in 3D space? If you're not familiar with terms like vector, matrix, and quaternion, look 'em up. Each one of them is used in 3D math.

That's just one example.

>> What kind of math do they use and how??

Every kind. From simple addition, to stokes equations, to rays to everything.

I think mostly geometry. Think about it: many video games are with physics, moving, rotation, etc.

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