7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for fireburner29

Hi, i developing web application in core php. we have five panels superadmin, admin, medical, staff, customer. all records should be display superadmin and created by users. please help me to write a mysql query below my basic query. $user = $DB->prepare("SELECT `u_userid`, `u_username`, `u_password`, `u_rolecode`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `sex`, `age`, …

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Member Avatar for islamgul

sir whay this error msg is occurred :Deprecated: mysql_pconnect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\aa\connect_db.php on line 4

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I have a Yahoo website that uses phpMyAdmin. I've been given the directive "Please run the script mysql_fix_privilege_tables that should be included in your MySQL server distribution to solve this problem!" I do not know how to run this script (or any script) through phpMyAdmin. I've been looking online and …

Member Avatar for Nishant_3
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I'm sure this is simple, but I'm having a time trying to figure out how to add two fields from two different tables together. <?php include_once('conn/db.php'); $query = "SELECT SUM(`sold`) AS total FROM veggies"; $stmt = $con->prepare( $query ); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ extract($row); echo "<small><u>Plants Sold</u>: {$total}</small>"; } …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for joshmac

I am trying to come up with a query to track a student cohort based on their start term. I want to see if the number of students that started in 2012 actually go down in 4 years time. For this example I am starting with fall 2012 (12/FA). I …

Member Avatar for joshmac
Member Avatar for blueguy777

I am new for MySQL my tables structures are as follows Table: registration ---------------------------------- | cardNo | mainAgentId |subAgentId| ---------------------------------- | 100 | 1 | 4 | ----------------------------------- | 101 | 1 | 5 | ----------------------------------- | 103 | 2 | 6 | ----------------------------------- | 102 | 1 | 4 …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for vinsbg

Hi, sorry for my newbie question but I can't understand what is the different between Logical and Conceptual database design. Can you provide me with some samples for those two types of design? Also what design is generated with MySQL Workbench for example when you import database schema? Is it …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for Jack_11
Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for sexycodette

hello all; scratching my head because I have no clue why this query doesn't work. php5, mysql 5.1 [code]INSERT INTO cats (title,type,cat_parent,cat_descr) VALUES ('Category Name', '0','0','Category Description')[/code] BASIC insert query. and the error I get ad infinitum is this: [CODE]Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the …

Member Avatar for Adiel
Member Avatar for ramnik.bhat1988

CREATE TABLE cash_dtL ( Cash_id varchar(12) NOT NULL, Dateof date NOT NULL, Cash_in_hand number(8) NOT NULL, Cash_in_bank number(8) NOT NULL, Sy_dr number(8) NOT NULL, Property number(8) NOT NULL, FD number(8) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Cash_id) ); INSERT INTO cash_dtL values('001', '01-JAN-15', 1000, 12000, 1200, 0, 1200); INSERT INTO cash_dtL values('002', …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Rizi004

Hello Everyone, i have table that have some code list if user enter same code from 2 different systems and enter at the same time both user's get data, what i want is the first one will get the data the second one will only see the message that this …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Baradaran

Hi, I have a sql statement which was running fine yesterday. After making a few changes to the website, it stopped working. I managed to get the statement work on my localhost, however, when I publish the same pages onto the server, I receive the "Operand should contain 1 column(s)" …

Member Avatar for tmlslvn6
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends i am trying to upload the photos in my dynamic place through my script. my path will be specified below [B]$uploaddir = ../gallery/categoryname/name/[/B] when i was trying to upload the photo is not moved in the above path. unfortunatelly is it moved to [B]../gallery/[/B] Please help me to …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for Khan2014

I'm trying to setup a database and PHP and i did the following: I installed PHP and abyss server. i created a php file in the server as shown in a book and Created a file with the following text in a textfile <?php phpinfo();?> Saved the file as phpinfo.php …

Member Avatar for Khan2014
Member Avatar for Selvakumark11

Hi, I am new to yii and php and i want to deleveop a database design for school exam time table and maintain the time table for school management. How can I procced the same? Please help me? :(

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Sws_1

$sql = "select u.Id, u.username, u.email, (NOW()-u.authenticationTime) as authenticateTimeDifference, u.IP, f.providerId, f.requestId, f.status, u.port from friends f left join users u on u.Id = if ( f.providerId = ".$userId.", f.requestId, f.providerId ) where (f.providerId = ".$userId." and f.status=".USER_APPROVED.") or f.requestId = ".$userId." ORDER BY u.username ASC"; I don´t understand the …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for showman13

I know there are a lot of articles about random numbers, but can't find an efficient way to do what I need. if I have a table that is designed with an auto increment ID for each record, it would be pretty simple to get the min and the max …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for sergio_pb

Hello guys, I create a software in vb.net to consulte my database (mysql) with table adapter and connections string, normal and simple application. Now I need to make a publishing, but when I install the aplication in another intranet pc, this pc cant connect my database. I know i need …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi everyone, I'm wondering about a potential problem I might get. My problem is lets say I have 2 tables one called **speakers** and **clients**. In the client table the client has the speaker ID's of 1,5,8(SAVED in a STRING field) - *so I'm using explode() to get the values*. …

Member Avatar for phfilly
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

I am starting to use Flash Builder for php to make an app. I have started with this very good example suggested by a user. [http://files.zend.com/help/Flash-Builder-for-PHP/Getting-Started/Mobile/build_a_mobile_(php)_application.htm](http://files.zend.com/help/Flash-Builder-for-PHP/Getting-Started/Mobile/build_a_mobile_(php)_application.htm) On Step 11 running the PHPUnit i am getting this error PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning:mysqli_connect()[<a href='function.mysqli-connect'>function.mysqli.connect</a>]:MySQL server has gone away I am understanding that it cant connect …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for lostmymom

The above date is stored in varchar type i want to display the error date for rectification. so i tried NOT LIKE '__/__/____' but it didnot work. I want to display the records which does not have the 02/02/2000 pattern. thanks

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for davy_yg

DELETE * FROM image_upload WHERE image_id=51You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '* FROM image_upload WHERE image_id=51' at line 1 if(!empty($_GET['image_id'])) { $sqlstr = "DELETE * FROM image_upload WHERE image_id=".$_GET['image_id']; //echo $sqlstr; …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for bolfescu

hy, i'm having a big problem, thats because i'm new in this, i have two qrys unfort doesnt work if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $id=$_GET['id']; $qry=mysql_query("SELECT *,replace(category, ',', ' ') as category FROM articles WHERE id='$id'", $con); $sql = mysql_query("select *,Total17,sum(q5) Total18,sum(aste3) Total19 from articles where category= how ?",$con); if(!$qry){die("Query Failed: ". mysql_error()); } …

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

sir i am creating a database with name ams and 3 table with name article (fileds id(auto increment),title,image,contents and category) and 2 table login with user passwd as fileds 3rd table with category. now i want in 1st table id,title,category as primary key but it gives error multiple primary key …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Ventech_IT

Hi Guys Please have a look at my model and then read below public function get_events(){ $query = $this->db->get('events',1, 1); return $query->result_array(); Okay so when i run the page i only get my message that no entry's are in the table! So when i insert a entry it displays the …

Member Avatar for Ventech_IT
Member Avatar for nevek

Hi I have a stored procedure with a cursor which check if a field is filled in after a certain deadline. DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `controleDeadlines`() BEGIN #declaratie variabelen die nodig zijn declare cId int; declare cDeadline text; declare cUitgevoerd date; declare cOpmerking text; declare cStatus text; declare DONE …

Member Avatar for nevek
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

For one order XYZ can be a buyer and for different order XYZ will be a seller. how to assign buyer and seller responsibilities to users per order basis. give me some example of table structure. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for mangel.murti
Member Avatar for Sws_1

what is the error in my two queries ?? $sql="select secretQ,secretA from users where email = '".$email."' "; $out .= "<PassResetQ secretQ='".$row->secretQ."' secretA='".$row->secretA."' />";

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for Mohamed59

Hello, I have a problem with my connection to the emulator mySql when I log on to my games and I run a command me his crash, is when I see her in my my emulator me this error: Error Message - Connection must Be valid and open (System.InvalidOperationException), its …

Member Avatar for Mohamed59
Member Avatar for PierJean

hello! Being a newbie (70 years young) I an trying to complete this php code so my search-form with a multichoice-checkbox may return a selected response on a webpage from mysql 5.4 database. So far I have this query that is working BUT returning ALL members from the DTB regardless …

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The End.