Last week, we've had the most number of new member signups, excluding members who have been banned, for the first time in over a year! Good job, everybody :)

rproffitt commented: Good news. The needle is moving. +0
alan.davies commented: Great news +0
happygeek commented: Go girl! Or something ;-) Brilliant news, now to get them posting decent questions... +0
John_165 commented: great to hear that +0
bonapong commented: Great news for me +0

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All 6 Replies

There's definitely been a noticable improvement since merging DaniWeb and Dazah together. I think the branding just confused everyone, and I was too "inside" it all to realize it.

commented: Yay! +0

I've noticed a lot more java and html questions. Neither of which I can help with. I'm starting to think the desktop is dead.

I've noticed a lot more java and html questions. Neither of which I can help with. I'm starting to think the desktop is dead.

I think the desktop is pretty much dead when it comes to consumers and end-users. Certain industries are always going to require large screens to be productive, but browsing the web and email can be accomplished on smartphones, tablets, etc., and often a lot more easily. And business models are definitely shifting to SaaS (software-as-a-service) where customers pay monthly subscriptions in exchange for having access wherever they are instead of buying software outright and installing it. With cloud storage becoming so readily accessible, people are accustomed to having access to everything they want and need, wherever they are. Even software that cannot be easily reproduced on the web is leveraging the services model with Office 365 and the latest Adobe creative suite.

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