According to my way
White hat technique to Search Engine Optimization consists of ethical methods of search engine optimization which are recommended by search engines as part of good design. Some of the most popular white hat techniques are:
• Quality Content
• Use of Relevant Keywords
• Use Structural (Semantic) Mark Up and Separate Content from Presentation
• Proper use of Titles and Meta Data
• Keyword Research and Effective Keyword Use
• Quality Inbound Links
• Quality Inbound Links

But can you tell what is white hat SEO according to your knowledge.

According to me, White Hat SEO also known as Ethical SEO is a clean method, techniques that are used to draw visitors by following search engine rules, regulation & policies. Some white hat methods are keyword analysis, back linking, link building to improve link popularity, and writing simple and impressive content for readers. Also, those who want to make a long-term investment prefers white hat seo.

White hat SEO improve usability or accessibility of the site while it also improve SEO Factors.

White hat SEO not only may improve PageRank score but it good practice and should be espoused by internet marketers. Back Hat SEO should be avoided at all costs.

Another way of saying it is that white hat SEO is a term to describe techniques and activities that will not get you in trouble with the search engines. Its alternative, black hat SEO covers those techniques and activities that will cause harm to your site ranking and are detrimental to the goals of your company.

As for what those techniques are, white hat or black hat, they are documented throughout the web and here at DaniWeb. You just need to do your homework.

it is the ethical SEO that follows the rulesof any Search engine

According to my way
White hat technique to Search Engine Optimization consists of ethical methods of search engine optimization which are recommended by search engines as part of good design. Some of the most popular white hat techniques are:
• Quality Content
• Use of Relevant Keywords
• Use Structural (Semantic) Mark Up and Separate Content from Presentation
• Proper use of Titles and Meta Data
• Keyword Research and Effective Keyword Use
• Quality Inbound Links

White hat search engine optimization is considered following the rules and regulations by the worlds leading search engines including Google, A recent report says around 60-% seo companies do not use legal search engine optimization methods. When we say white hat seo, we mean natural search engine optimization helps you get organic search engine rankings.

The natural optimization may look time taking but simply impressive, gone are the days when Google was so very much kind to everyone out there, in order to improve the search engine result pages, Google and other search engines has set different penalties for such webmasters or seo companies that use illegal methods of search engine optimization

There are white, grey, and blackhat methods of SEO. Whitehat is legitimate, ethical, and the only way SEO should be done. Greyhat mixes the white and blackhat techniques. And blackhat abuses SEO by trying to build backlinks/traffic unethically, via bots or spamming.

Grey Hat SEO? I like that name. It's very hard to get on top only with white hat..

Ethical search engine optimisation techniques that are encouraged by the search engines.

White hat seo is for long term and black hat gives short term boost. Basic white hat SEO is building back links in ethical manner not spamming!

I feel let us understand about “black hat SEO” completely before knowing about white hat SEO. This gives a clear distinction and guides us in a proper route which is needed for ethical SEO.
The dubious techniques that violate search engine guidelines forms black hat SEO. Few examples for those techniques are cloaking, sneaky redirects and invisible text. Cloaking is nothing but a black-hat practice of serving one page to a human visitor and another to a crawler. Cloaking is considered serious spam and strongly rejected by the search engines

It's very hard to get on top only with white hat..

right , it is said that google opens a half eye towards it

In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, White Hat SEO refers to the usage of SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus on a human audience opposed to search engines and completely follows search engine rules and policies. For example, a Web site that is SEO optimized, yet focuses on relevancy and organic ranking is considered to be optimized using White Hat SEO practices. Some examples of White Hat SEO techniques include using keywords and keyword analysis, backlinking, link building to improve link popularity, and writing content for human readers White Hat SEO is more frequently used by those who intend to make a long-term investment on their Web site. Also called Ethical SEO.


Under white hat seo there come lot of things to name a few are unique content, quality back links(nt spamed websites or sites that are nt related to your theme) dnt do keyword stuffing. Its better u go and find some articles regarding this that will depict the more clear picture

What seo is the way we promote website without violating search engine rules.

In white hat SEO we follow the ethical way to promote website, placing website in useful, relevant and traffic generating resources.

for me, it means u don't do things which will made G thinks u are intending to dominate or spam it

and one thing more, u don't do you eyour good at the cost of others

Pure white hat SEO deals exclusively with working the optimizable webpage components, the on-site factors.

General white hat SEO can influence off-site factors, not by the trendy link building schemes but by either developing external web sources (such as a corporate blog) or by having content that is so superior to the rest of the keyphrase competitors that it compels other webmasters to naturally provide links to this exceptional content.

Any SEO tactic that maintains the integrity of your website and the SERPs (search engine results pages) is considered a "white-hat" search engine optimization tactic. These are the only tactics that we will use whenever applicable and which enhance rather than detract from your website and from the rankings.

Content is the king to white hat seo. Links are the queen of white hat seo.

Create usefull and new stuff and not duplicated content is useful.

Think as a visitor and write what he is looking for.

Never understood what black hat and white hat are. I just follow what search engines like. period.

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