I have a client with a .co.uk and a .com domain.
Her business is mainly UK but she also receives work from overseas- mainly USA and Australia.
At the moment she has the .com as her main domain with the .co.uk as a parked domain.
I suspect that this isn't the best way to go from an SEO point of view.
Can anyone advise what is the best way to deal with this?

Should she have the .co.uk as her main domain, or should she have two separate websites. I understand that Google don't like you repeating content on two sites. Is this also true if they both have the same company name?

Thanks in advance

Good question... i would probably go with the extension that best appeals to my audience. If most of your existing website visitors And targeted audience is from the UK.. it probably makes sense to move all your site's content to the .co.uk extension and 301 (permanent redirect) the .com. A 301 redirect is a safe way to tell the search engines that you intend to use the .co.uk extension going forward.

Thanks for the reply. It was really helpful.

I personally would use both domains. Create two completely unique web sites doing two obviously different things yet remaining very closely related. Add in some fancy but classy cross-linking focusing on moving the .com traffic to the money site and simultaneously influencing the .uk off-site ranking factors.

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