I recently heard about that google making plan to launch new search engine caffeine. If it is true then when caffeine may be launch. If you have more useful information about caffeine so please discuss here.

no one knows when "caffeine" will appear. Some claim it has already been rolled out. I have been noticing a fair amount of differences in the way Google is indexing my site.. not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same?

I have heard from some other forums that Google Caffeine new engine has gone online in UK recently but I think Google should declare such news if it is the fact.


I have also heard about google caffeine but still haven't come to know what is the real truth!

I have heard from some other forums that Google Caffeine new engine has gone online in UK recently but I think Google should declare such news if it is the fact.


Yes, I have heard that also. Probably it is true.

I don't think Caffeine will make a big impact. It would probably be like Chrome and slowly fade away.

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