Ive have 10 sites I built on Wordpress, 5 of them are ranked on the first page of Yahoo and Altavista and nothing on Google, what happend, Why? What could be wrong as to why they are not ranked on Google..

It may happened that your site in yahoo but not in Google. Both have different strategies for ranking and crawling a site. But if you want high ranking in Google. Start adding good article in your site. Promote site in all high PR sources.

You need to add content, content, and more content - both in frequency and in quality in terms of keywords. This way you are strengthening your site.

The algorithm is different, but basically yahoo is slower to rank websites.

Essentially, it is different algorithm make this difference. I think Yahoo usually gives more weight if you have your keywords in the domain name and in your site navigation link system.

Have a nice day,

Google ranks their sites differently from MSN and Yahoo. Try building more High PR dofollow backlinks to your website.

Each search engine uses different algorithms. Google likes content, backlinks and all sorts of things.

great thanks again for all the info...whats the best way to find out how to build back links?
Thanks again,

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