What is the difference between google sandbox & penalty??

What is the difference between google sandbox & penalty??

This is debatable. The way I see it is that a new web site will require time to convince the search engine that it is of value to offer Internet searchers. Convincing the search engine of the site's credibility will require the ongoing deployment of unique, important, authentic, authoritatively crafted/optimized content. This needs to be done lightly. For example, if a web site starts off with 50 webpages, it wouldn't be wise to develop 2000 more pages a month and generate 10's of thousands of useless links to it. No, a 50 pager should grow maybe 4-5 pages a month until it has convinced the search engine of its value and develop links naturally.

I don't look at searchengine as slapping on penalties anymore. The search engine can devalue or demerit a web page because of excessive and poorly considered off-site influencing activities, basic on-site spamming (ie hidden content) or depreciation in the delivery of the quality of the content. There's a few other things too that can cause a webpage demerit but they are not common.

As I had not heard of either of these, thanks to both of you for the enlightenment.

I think being in sandbox is normal for a new site but Google penalty would relate to black hat on site SEO. IMO. :)

Have a nice day,

When you say penalty, I would say there is either de-indexing, or lowering in ranking.

Sandboxing - I say sort of a "staging" area where a site goes until it has proven trustworthy. Not a penalty, but a precautionary measure.

sandboxing happens when we build too many links in a short time for a new site.. google wil smell it fishy..

Google Sandbox is the place where new sites stay for some time before it appears in the ranking. And Google penalty is when your site is banned.

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