Hi all...

Which are the different website tracking tools available other than google analytics?

It depends if you want free or paid tools. Also, it depends what you are tracking - website traffic or blog visitor flow.
In regards to free - there is AWstats, Clicky, Yahoo Analytics (I think limited to e-commerce accounts), snoop, and crazyegg.
Some of these links also have paid version.
In regards to paid - Omniture, Webtrends, Coremetrics.

Statcounter can be used. It's a free tool.

I think the awstats coming with my hosting package would be a nice supplement for Google analytics. Also, seoquake and rankchecker add-ons for Firefox are also nice tool for tracking other SEO efforts purpose.

Have a nice day,

To chaking backlink I used backlinkwatch that free.

I only use Google analytic.

Google Analytics is the best free option available IMO. Is there a reason you want to look beyond it?

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