how and why do i need meta tags,how do i put them in my website

Meta tags are little lines of code that are placed between the <HEAD> and the </HEAD> tags in your site's HTML code. They are designed to give search engines instructions on what your page is about and how they should treat it. These tags are not displayed to humans visiting your site, but they can be used to influence the way your site appears in the search results,Then I'd encourage you to visit my home page which contains a lot of other information on writing and designing web pages, searching the Internet and so on. I'll guarentee you'll find other material that will be useful to you.


The Meta tag might be not necessary when you create your pages but they would make search engines understand your pages more accurately and they are necessary for SEO purpose.

You could put them inside <head> block via below code: (2 main meta tags)
<meta name="description" content="..." />
<meta name="keywords" content="..." />

all the best,

Meta tags are basically intended to make search engines aware of the basic theme of the website which would help site gets indexed faster with good position of keywords in search engines.

Google read your Meta tags and it is very important.
Meta Description and Meta Keywords are necessary in SEO of any website.

Meta tags gives description of your page to the visitors of your website. They are placed above the /head and these tags are displayed on top of your browser window.

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