I have heard that Link Prism is a method of relevant link building. Can any tell me how does it work and how effective is this in SEO? Please suggest.

I am assuming it is similar to a link wheel, although I haven't heard the term before. It's most likely where a bunch of sites all link to each other in a way where Google is meant to not catch on that it's reciprocal linking, and therefore the PageRank flows more evenly. It's probably black hat, and Google probably does catch on.

Prism is based on site specific browser.It's work on separate process and open link external in real browser.

link prism helps to differentiate links that you build for your website like how many links fall in average, good, very good and excellent link category.

I have heard that Link Prism is a method of relevant link building. Can any tell me how does it work and how effective is this in SEO? Please suggest.

Its a technique of black hat seo.A link wheel from top to bottom...

Link Prism is an outstanding way of building relevant links and passing SEO values to the parent site. Basically, using this link building technology we can promote online profiles, article sites and blogs related to the keywords and linking the mother sites.

I am assuming it is similar to a link wheel, although I haven't heard the term before. It's most likely where a bunch of sites all link to each other in a way where Google is meant to not catch on that it's reciprocal linking, and therefore the PageRank flows more evenly. It's probably black hat, and Google probably does catch on.

I have never heard about it but now you provided good informative information and it increased my knowledge. I think it will help many people who have no more knowledge about it.

Link prism is method of link building.It helps in getting traffic and solid a backlinks on your website.

Can someone here please explain to me exactly how a link prism works? I don't get it, and just saying "It helps traffic" doesn't really answer the question.

It some think different from link wheel. I had put the images from google when u will see it u will understand it easily. Link Wheel . Link Prism

It some think different from link wheel. I had put the images from google when u will see it u will understand it easily. Link Wheel . Link Prism

It some think????
Whats that?

It is same as a link wheel...

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