There are many things that you should do to optimize your website’s images. Following are
a few of them:

  • Compress them
  • Lazy Load the images
  • Use a good CDN and the correct cache headers to deliver them

Follow below tips that would help you to optimize image.

  1. Image File Format

For most website owners, the only three image file formats that really matter are JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Choosing the right file type plays an important role in image optimization.

  1. Compression

There are different types and levels of image compression available. The settings for each will vary depending on the image compression tool you use. You can also save images normally and then use a web tool like TinyPNG or JPEG Mini for easier image compression.

  1. Image Dimensions

Always choose the jpeg format for higher compression and changed dimensions to 1200×795 pixels, and it reduced the image file size to 103 KB. That’s 94% less than the original file size.

  1. Alt Tag

Optimize your alt attributes with the name of your images descriptively and in plain language.

Use tinypng com website for all type image optimization.
Just drag and drop image and download optimized image.

Member Avatar for nihitthakkar

Here's how to optimize images for the web:

  1. Name your images in plain language.
  2. Optimize your alt attributes carefully.
  3. Choose your image dimensions and product angles wisely.
  4. Reduce the file size of your images.
  5. Choose the right file type.
  6. Optimize your thumbnails.
  7. Use image sitemaps.
Member Avatar for nihitthakkar

Here's how to optimize images for the web:

  1. Start with good photos
  2. Name your images
  3. Optimize your alt attributes carefully.
  4. Use a white background for your products
  5. Save your images with the right dimensions
  6. Choose your image dimensions wisely.
  7. Experiment with quality settings.
  8. Use image sitemaps.

If we talking about the SEO Service. You can easily optimize your image with SEO Tools. SEO is the Process of Optimizing your website.

Here are some tips to optimize your images for your website.

  1. Name your images descriptively according to the content.
  2. Optimize your alt attributes carefully.
  3. Choose your image dimensions and product angles wisely.
  4. Reduce the file size of your images.
  5. Choose the right file type.
  6. Optimize your thumbnails.
  7. Use image sitemaps.
  8. Beware of decorative images.
  9. Use caution when using content delivery networks.

Use alt tag to describe image .Because if image is not load properly the from alt tag crawler undestand what is image. And user alos get information about image. Use image size small for spped up page but it should be clearly seen.

Here's how to make your photos web-friendly:

  1. Use detailed and straightforward terminology when naming your images.
  2. Make sure your alt properties are optimised.
  3. Consider the proportions of your image and the angles from which you'll be shooting your merchandise.
  4. Reduce the size of your images' files.
  5. Select the appropriate file type.
  6. Make your thumbnails as good as possible.
  7. Use picture sitemaps to help you find what you're looking for.

If you're using more then one images you can optimize your images by writting description of each image indiviually.

Here's how to optimize images for the web:

  • Name your images descriptively and in plain language.
  • Optimize your alt attributes carefully.
  • Choose your image dimensions and product angles wisely.
  • Reduce the file size of your images.
  • Choose the right file type.
  • Optimize your thumbnails.
  • Use image sitemaps.

Optimize Images for Better Web Design & SEO

  1. Start with high-quality images
  2. Use the right file type: JPEG or PNG
  3. Resize images to optimize page speed and appearance
  4. Make images the same size and style
  5. Name the image file correctly to help your SEO
  6. Fill out your captions and alternative text
  7. Put the image near relevant text

Use alt tags to optimize your each and every images of your website.

Here's how to optimize images for the web:

  • Name your images descriptively and in plain language.
  • Optimize your alt attributes carefully.
  • Choose your image dimensions and product angles wisely.
  • Reduce the file size of your images.
  • Choose the right file type.
  • Optimize your thumbnails.
  • Use image sitemaps.

The three things that play a huge role in image optimization are:

Image file format (JPEG vs PNG vs GIF)
Compression (Higher compression = smaller file size)
Image Dimensions (height and width)
By choosing the right combination of the three, you can reduce your image size by up to 80%.

You Can Optimize images in many ways:-

  • Image File Format
  • Compression
  • Image Dimensions

Through the Tools Like:-

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • GIMP
  • TinyPNG
  • JPEG Mini
  • ImageOptim

use Alt tag to optimise images in your site

Best way to optimize images for the web

Use concise and direct image names.
Optimize your alt attributes carefully.
Choose your image dimensions and product angles wisely.
Resize your images.
Choose the right image format.
Optimize your thumbnails.
Use image sitemaps.
Beware of decorative images.

You Can Optimize image with Jpeg compressor Tool. This jpeg compress tool supports images formats such as JPG, JPEG, SVG, PNG, WEBP and GIF compression. without sacrificing image quality

There are a few things to keep in mind when optimizing images for your website:

  • Keep the file size as small as possible while still retaining good quality. This will help with page loading times.
  • Use the correct file format. Graphics files come in a variety of formats, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. JPEGs are good for photographic images, PNGs are good for graphics and text, and GIFs should be used for animations or very small files.
  • When saving an image, use a compression level that gives good quality without sacrificing too much file size.
  • Use descriptive file names that include keywords related to the image's content. This will help improve image search results.

There are a few things you can do to optimize your images for faster loading times on your website:

  • Use the correct file format: JPEG for photos, PNG for graphics and logos, GIF for animations
  • Keep image size as small as possible while still retaining quality
  • Use a compression tool to reduce file size without affecting quality
  • Add an "alt" attribute to images, which will be displayed if the image doesn't load

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website loads quickly and looks great no matter what device or screen size your visitors are using.

The most effective optimization method is image caching. It's the process of storing image files within a user's browser cache or on a proxy server for fast and easy access. Browser-side caching reduces application requests and a given page's download size.

Use Alt tag
Use target keyword in alt tag
Optimize your image before posting it.

There are a few things you can do to optimize images on your website:

-Save images as JPEGs whenever possible. This format typically results in smaller file sizes than PNGs or GIFs.
-Make sure the images are the correct size and resolution for the page they will be displayed on. If an image is too large, it will slow down the loading of the page. If it's too small, it will look blurry or pixelated.
-Include keywords in the file name and alt text of the image for better search engine optimization.
-Use a compression tool like TinyPNG to reduce the file size of images before uploading them to your website.

-Save images as JPEGs whenever possible.

Try .webp actually :)

Another alternative (that's a bit more brute force or heavy handed) is to use a CDN such as Cloudflare, which serves all your images from its super fast servers, and automatically optimizes them as .webp to boot. Cloudflare has a free tier and it's been gaining in popularity over the last handful of years.

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