Shall i inscrease the font of checkbox size in Flash 8.0.
if i crease how??
please help...

Thanx Advace ...

Do you mean textbox?

No... No ...

beside check box font is there that font size i am asking ...

Could you rephrase your question please. Not sure I'm QUITE understanding what you are asking!

What Font size?
What Checkbox? Check box gets !checked! So you don't require any font

I attached what i want ??


1. Open the components panel by hitting ctrl+f7.

2. Drag the checkbox component onto the stage, and select the checkbox component in Frame 1.

3. Type "checkbox" as the Instance Name, to name the component.

4. In the Label Placement parameter menu, check that the default value is set to right alignment.

5. Type "state1" for the Click Handler name.

6. Select the first key frame. Press f9 to open the actions box, and insert the following action:

function state1() 


Member Avatar for rajarajan2017


It's very simple to do that,

1. Open the components panel by hitting ctrl+f7.

2. Drag the checkbox component onto the stage, and select the checkbox component in Frame 1.

3. Type "checkbox" as the Instance Name, to name the component.

4. In the Label Placement parameter menu, check that the default value is set to right alignment.

5. Type "state1" for the Click Handler name.

6. Select the first key frame. Press f9 to open the actions box, and insert the following action:


Give whatever size you want and resize the check box using Free transform

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Please remove the step 5. Please reply soon if you need more help (or) if you got the soluton, mark as solved.

It's not solved it shows same size same check box...

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

I had worked and then only gave the code. plz try again. Follow the steps correctly

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

What is your instance name? use the instancename.fontsize

yourInstanceName.setStyle("fontSize", 20);

Just substitute your instance name and desired font size. If you go to livedocs.adobe.com, there's a great description about all the different properties you can change. The section is titled Customizing the CheckBox component. Hope this helps.

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