Hi all. I have a Toshiba Laptop and was happily working away on it, only for it to shut down and display the following message: "ALERT: System protection failure! Password =_"

The only password I had set up was the one to access Windows, and this doesn't work. Whenever I enter an incorrect password, the laptop shuts down.

Can anyone offer any advice as to how I resolve this issue (other than guessing the right password!!).


Did you ask manufacturer? (Surely they have 'Contact US' or 'Support' on their site)

Never worked on a lap-top - don't have a clue by-the-way.

Retrace in your mind all that you were doing on it prior to that symptom (maybe you changed some setting you thought has nothing to do with this issue but it does; maybe it's some virus, so it shuts down and only serviceman can access it with their passoword; don't know, just tying to help; ...can you access its hard-drive with some other computer to back-up some data important to you? (with some up-to-date anti-virus program running for protection of course))

Hi all. I have a Toshiba Laptop and was happily working away on it, only for it to shut down and display the following message: "ALERT: System protection failure! Password =_"

The only password I had set up was the one to access Windows, and this doesn't work. Whenever I enter an incorrect password, the laptop shuts down.

Can anyone offer any advice as to how I resolve this issue (other than guessing the right password!!).


Can you describe your system?


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