
Over the past few months, sometimes my PC will not switch on at all and it is completely dead. Sometimes this lasts for a few minutes and sometimes it lasts for a few days whereby I do nothing but leave the PC alone and try switching it on again later whereby it then works...???

There seams to be no trend in it. Once the PC is on there are no issues at all but sometimes if I shut the PC down, immediately after that it is dead as a doornail.

I suspect its the P/S, but I don't have a spare lying around to test it with and I would rather not spend cash on replacing the P/S if thats not the problem...

PC specs are, AMD 4000+, 2 x 512mb DDR 400, Gigabyte M/B, 7800 GTX, 3 hard drives, A2 sound card, Antec 430 watt True Power P/S.

Please help, its getting annoying not know if my PC will switch on or not...!!!

Over the past few months, sometimes my PC will not switch on at all and it is completely dead.

over the past few months ,the power supply [myabe ] has been getting bad or has always had a problem ,now a power supply that has issues could after months of using damage your motherboard ,so hoping it hasn't, get a new PSU or have that one tested soon

Sounds to me like your machine might have gotten surged at some time?

Try connecting only the essential stuff to the PSU, then see how it will boot.

If it's fine then you need a new PSU.
You could check that the power cables are still firmly set in their clips on the board, that the PS2/Power jumper is set properly(usually top lef op m/b).

Here's a ninja technique you could try...
slowly plug the power cable into the PSU and listen for a crackling sound. If there is no sound you need new PSU.


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