i got a new macbook and what i know it does not get viruses.. but few days ago a friend told me yes nowadays mac as well get virus.. is this possible?? if yes then how to protect it from virus, is there any anti virus for mac??
am quite worried about this because i got loads of problem with my computer before as i used my pen drive from different computer in course and back on my personal computer at home.. i do not want this happen again with my mac.. thanks in advance..

Yes they do, ClamX is good protection, I use it. Although I have found two viruses in one year, also use Firefox with the NoScript add on.

In other words, purchase an external backup such as firefox. Back up your sys regularly and if you do get infected, you at least have a date reference to restore prior to the date of infection.

There has been no viruses on Mac. They can get a virus in theory but as long as you keep it updated and use a user account, not the administartor account it seems virtually impossible to get a virus.

There are people selling anti-virus software for Macs which "find" viruses on Macs but if they are reporting correctly they are finding windows viruses which cannot operate on a Mac.

I have been using Mac for 7 yrs and have tested my macbook recently by using it to go into the dodgiest sites I could find just to see what would happen. No viruses at all.

Mac keep ahead of any weaknesses in their system with updates and there are very few viruses written for Mac as there is such a small user base. Also Unix is a way more stable system than microsoft.

Keep browsing and don't waste money on any software.

I can agree on that. Basically every computer can get a virus (which is nothing else than a normal programme). Theoretically you can crash your computer by installing good software (Photoshop, Cinema, iLife, etc). But who buys viruses on CD? You can get them only within spam-mails or unserious server. With normal respect and healthy distance to programmes that you don't know you shouldn't get in trouble.

Any changes on the Mac OS environment has to be accepted by the user with the admin-password. Application cannot be started on its own by simply loading them in you browser cache (as it works in Outlook an IE for some very strange reasons). So as long as you don't loin as admin or simply install everything you find in a spam-email there shouldn't be a problem with your system at all.

In my opinion MacOS is the most stable and save OS that is currently available. The problems it had in version 7&8 are totaly banned. Apple has the quickest Update-Service (Linux unfortunately the poorest one). So as soom as a problem is reported the work on a patch begins - in normal case you shouldn't even get in touch with the bug at all.


thx alot.. well i dont even read any spam mail. my only worry is the pendrive.. i use it at school where all my friends been using there pendrive too, dunno if one of them might be infected.. well i actually got an OS X macbook.. i use it only for my assignments and research..

Apples' Operating System gets viruses becuase of unix. All higher level hackers use and are very confortable with it. OSX is based off of FreeBSD 64-Bit....

commented: No virus yet, but Opera and Camino have been hijacked on my machine. +7

Mac Viruses are not as nearly common as PC viruses for the simple fact that up until the past few years, Mac users were quite minimal. People simply have yet to sit down and develop a malicious piece of code aimed solely at Macs as they have done with PCs. There was a great write up on this on CNET.com the other day, here is the link to two separate pieces:



Well i myself m a new mac-owner and i was confused too as to whether a mac requires an anti-virus software as i frequently used to explore them in my PC before. Well the Mac OSX is quite robust and it requires little to no protection, but if virus are still bugging u, u can try to download IAnti-virus, it is freeware, well last time i checked. Hope that helps!

I always suggest: Just because you don't use Windows it doesn't mean, you don't have to bother about antivirus software, firewall and system upgrades! Every code, even written under Steve Jobs, is somewhere buggy, every developer will forget about a security issue, and it just a matter of time until someone who is interested in demolishing a system will find it out.
When you care about your system, actually every OS is secured. I just believe, that MacOS is in the moment, the one that you have to care at least about. But that never means, you don't have to at all!

I read an article once (sorry, don't have the link) where it suggested there have only ever been 2 viruses in macs, and in each case the virus was harmless. Apparently there's no such thing as a mac virus at present.

I've had my mac for a good few months now - I browse torrent sites etc on a daily basis with NO firewall/antivirus whatsoever, I so far don't seem to have found a virus. Some would suggest it would be more harmful to install unneeded antivirus software.

There no viruses in macos because on the simple fact that like in a human body a virus needs the right conditions to prosper. Macos does not provide theses conditions as any unix system out there.

On the subject of rumor they have been only viruses by fantasy and viruses in theory but no real threat.

Do not install antivirus programs on your mac, as they can make the os unstable. Mots of these antivirus programms are made by windows developers with limited knowledge of macos that only care to make profit.

Its most unlikely that a virus that will be a substantial threat will ever exist in macos. Apple is likely to hunt down the hacker that will make it and make him pay literally.

The age of viruses actually has passed long time ago, they were succeeded by worms and trojan horses but even those are becoming an extinct race. The future is spyware as companies make money on it by stealing your personally information without leaving a trace. In that kind of threat macos is stronger but still has room of improvement.

Unfortunately for these kind of threat even a firewall is not enough.

So in short , stop worrying and start surfying freely, you are most likely being hit by a comet than a virus penetration your macos.

I definitely have to contradict you! There's nothing that I hate more than giving people wrong advice, especially if these kind of person don't seem to have a single clue what they are talking about! And on top of that: Why not protecting if it's so simple as today?

@all: Always, but really always protect your computer! Don't discuss whether you have Windows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS or any system that comes up in the future running. Every Operating System does have vulnerabilities in the source-code. And every operating system can be attacked by hackers and viruses.

Also remember: even the best antivirus-software doesn't give you an absolute protection. Always be careful what programmes you install and who you let work with your computer. So the best thing is to keep these 4 guidelines in mind:

1. Always create TWO accounts! First one as administrator (or root under Linux) with a very strong password and DON'T use it. This account is just for changing the preferences of the system. And try not to be online while using it.
The second one is your normal account that you use for office, web and whatever you do. In 1 out of 50 days you don't even have to login with the administrator password.

2. Activate the firewall and install a virus-software! Maybe your computer will never be attacked by hackers because they can't modify your system as you work with your second account. But maybe a bug in the kernel will be found and someone is interested in the docs you have, to use your computer for hacking or just want to harm you because they find it funny. And a recent surveillance found out that bugs aren't fixed by apple as fast as one might want you.

3. Be skeptical when installing software! Think twice if you really trust that person who wrote the stuff. In general you can't do anything wrong if you stick to point 1 and 2 but that software can still slow down the computer or internet-connection. Of you are unsure check the apple-website and see, if it's listed there under downloads or any computer-magazine that you trust. I don't wanna cause any panic: More than 99% of the software that's out there is great, but you can always get one of the ones that really harms your computer.

4. Don't give your password away: When installing or removing programmes from your application-folder, changing the system-preferences or running a script you have to enter your password. Thats fine. But as soon as you enter your password in a window that looks different to the MacOS standard one, be very critical. Once given the password to the programme it could use it to harm your system. Doublecheck the programme in the Internet and find out if that programme really needs it.

These 4 points aren't hard to follow. The second account is done in about 10 minutes, the virus-software as well. All the other points are just to keep in mind. Noone has to be in panic just because he/she protects the computer. It's just better to be carefully than having to reinstall the system one day and be annoyed that all data are lost.

There are many documents about security under macos out the in the net. Just google around and look for websites that you trust.

commented: Poster knows of what he speaks. 2 of my browsers got hijacked so it does and will happen. +7

Im a new MacBook owner too... I just bought my new mac less than a month ago... And until to now... I was pretty much sure that they don't get no viruses... Though I had an antivirus installed on my mac from apple.com for free ... But my i have faced thenproblem today... I was jus using some sites and downloaded a .rar file as I tried fk open it the Ntivirus popped out that it was A Trojan virus so I ignored it later when I went on the folder and tried selecting the file it all got messed ....

My personal experience says MAC is really very gud OS it is a kind of linux environment so dnt wory about any viruses but if you install any other os onto your Apple machine then you might have to face the problem of viruses.

I have a mac book pro and haven't had a problem with virus's. I will say I download some rather sketchy stuff. I used to have ianti-virus, but for the sake of performance disabled it. I only enable it whenever I want to run a scan. Any computer can get a virus. Linux root kits can kill a machine. Mac is UNIX/Linux based, so theoretically if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time you will get something. Not trying to scare you or anything. The reason why mac's and Linux box's don't get as many viruses is because there is such a small market percent of them. If I was a hacker, I would write code for something that has the greatest chance of somebody downloading my worm. I'm thinking realistically here.

Basically, as all the previous posts have stated - it's common sense when protecting your Mac, and you can find some good utilities to help and prevent.

If you can... BACKUP your system... for me, I have a separate hard drive for my apps and my files. This way if my hard drive for my apps goes bad I am not losing my files. If my hard drive for my files starts to go bad - I can move them to another hard drive before I totally cry myself to sleep.

DiskWarrior is a good utility as well.

Good luck and enjoy. (P.S. you can run windows on your mac if you are feeling sadistic ;) )

I forgot to mention - that when you back up with Time Machine you should do it manually at once a week. Not that you have to, but the reason I was working on my Mac was an issue with Time Machine. I didn't figure it out until I had gone through all of the "usual" reasons (preferences, zapping the pram, reinstalling the OS)

I googled some more after looking at the error message again - and found that the file Time Machine backed up to got corrupt. Which, would give me the gray screen of reboot.

So, you may not have as many viruses - but there are other issues that could hurt you (luckily, my files were on a separate drive) when it comes to file security. So, being lax on monitoring what you are downloading and especially the compatibility of the programs (I learned this the hard and not so fun way today) can also hurt you.

Macs CAN'T get self-propagating viruses because of the UNIX core of the OS. Trojans, yes, but self-propagating viruses, no. Viruses could get downloaded to a Mac through email, but they'd sit there doing nothing because their code isn't allowed to run unless express consent is given by the user. The only successful attacks have been where a user was tricked into downloading and executing malicious code thinking it was trustworthy software. Hence the 'Trojan' moniker. And, as far as trojans go, there are only a handful of easy-to-recognize trojans in the wild that can affect a Mac, so one would have to be pretty lame, retarded, and stupid to go ahead and click on attachments in emails with the subject 'Pics Of My Naked GF'... so they rightfully deserve to get infected.

Oh and if a windows pops up on your screen with a message saying you are infected, and the window actually looks like it is a 'MS Windows'-styled window, like the blue borders around windows in 'Windows XP', then, no, you are not infected, and you can safely close and ignore the silly pop-up. It's fake, and when clicked, will download 'setup.exe' to your Mac. EXE files do not run on a Mac.

There has been no viruses on Mac. They can get a virus in theory but as long as you keep it updated and use a user account.
There are people selling anti-virus software for Macs which "find" viruses on Macs but if they are reporting correctly they are finding windows viruses which cannot operate on a Mac. you can use Antivirus Software。 it should be easy.

There has been no viruses on Mac. They can get a virus in theory but as long as you keep it updated and use a user account.
There are people selling anti-virus software for Macs which "find" viruses on Macs but if they are reporting correctly they are finding windows viruses which cannot operate on a Mac. you can use Antivirus Software。 it should be easy.

a windows virus cannot spread on a mac.

Correct. You can keep that email on your computer for hundreds of years and it will NEVER affect you. Rather than shelling out cash for anti-virus software, just delete the offending email, and it will never harm anyone again! Now, if you PLAN on FORWARDING said infected email back to someone who uses windows, without first checking to see if you can open the attachment and see whether it is legit or not, then that is what Mac-based anti-virus is good for. Otherwise save your money and don't bother.

Hint: I hate forwarding, 99.999% of all forwards get deleted without reading, because most if not all are: "Read and send on to 10 friends because it's CUTE and will give you bad luck if you don't".

all laptop can be influenced by virus.So macbook is not exceptional.

Apple systems will never have as many viruses as windows for a few simple reasons.
1. UNIX is not as proned to viruses due to the fact that each application uses a seperate registry. Applications aren't loaded into the operating system, they're loaded into memory that the operating system can access. Because of this, One application, such as the browser, cannot start another application, such as system preferences.
2. To write a piece of software for a mac, it has to go through all kinds of system checks, and the computer will not allow you to run an application if it could cause harm to core files.
3. On OS X, you cannot modify core system files unless you have admin privilages, which the user has to type a password. This is hard-wired into every mac, a virus could never get around it.
4. Few people use macs, meaning it would be illogical to create a virus meant to harm the masses.
5. The minute a threat, be a virus or just a bigged application, The mac will terminate the application immediately and send a report of everything to apple. That would mean a virus could work on one machine, but the second its activated, it will terminate, and when apple releases the next update, it will be removed from the system automatically.

So as you can see, building viruses for mac is possible, but not feasable and most likely will not be for some time. With the 5 years I've worked with Apple, I have never been concerned about malaware, and none of the other coders seem to be too concerned either. I'd say were safe for at least another 10-15 years.

:) yup! Great explanation of the UNIX level security checks. I'd have to disagree with the statement that 'few people use Macs' though. Apple's market share has broken the 10% barrier in the USA and Canada. That's phenomenal for a single company. Also, Apple's value as a company has surpasses Microsoft's, to become the most valuable tech company in the world. I'd say that the old saying about 'not big enough to be a target' no longer applies.

The last "virus" I have seen on a mac was back in 94 on 8.1. It intrigued us so much at the shop we kept it around for quite a while, just to muck around with it. You want to protect yourself, backup! One thing that you should keep in mind though is the mac may not damaged by a virus, but it certainly can pass it on to another system, especially through the mail system. In most cases, these "threat sites" that preach doom and gloom, reefer to these virus as infecting the mac. Yes, technically they are on the mac, but they do no harm. The only damage they do is when they get passed back to a windows machine. There is one exception and they use this as part of their "doom and gloom"; Macs with windows on them! The windows get affected->windows on Mac-> Mac is infected. God, the things people say to get money out of you!
Now Trojan Horses is a different matter. I really have only one thing to say on this, "Stupid is As Stupid Does".
Enough said.

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