hi, yesterday the modem on my other computer could not be detected and I can't get on the inernet using it. I have a dial up modem 56k and I could get on the net fine for a long time, but something happened to my network connection and it isn't there anymore. I tried setting up a new connection but I can't because my computer does not detect the modem anymore. Does anyone have an idea why it doesn't?

Right click the My Computer icon and choose Properties. Go to the Hardware tab and click Device Manager. Is the modem listed here? Do you have any devices showing up as "Unknown"? If the modem is there make sure it's enabled and then double click it and go to the Diagnostics tab and click Query Modem. If you see values populating under "Command" and "Response" columns then the modem is probably working and you just need to tell the dial up connection to connect using that device.

If the modem is not in the Device Manager then I would want to know what kind of computer you have.

The modem is detected in the device manager and it is also enabled. I tried clicking on query modem as you told me to and values did come up under command and response. After I did that I went and tried to set up a connection again but the radio button is grayed out where it says connect using a dial up modem. When I was in the device manager I looked farther down and saw that the BIOS driver is corrupted. I'm assuming that this is the problem. So now what should I do? Reinstall it I assume but is there anything I need to know in particular before I do that?

Check this link for more info:

1.Click Start, and then click Run.
2.In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3.Locate and click the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Telephony\Cards
4.In the right pane of Registry Editor window, click NextID.
5.On the Edit menu, click Delete.
6.When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
7.On the File menu, click Exit to quit Registry Editor.
8.Restart the computer.

Thanx that helped me out alot.

[Just read this and I have a similar problem I have windows ME and trying to use the phone line for internet, well it does not detect modem, anywhere, I tried to install one but still nothing happens any help on this one?? :rolleyes:

I have a similar problem just as my Windows does detect my modem as PCI Simple Communications Controller

I have a similar problem just as my Windows does detect my modem as PCI Simple Communications Controller

you need to install the drivers for the modem ,should have come with the modem or can be found on the website of modem maker

Hi, My mobiles Modem is not being detected by my laptop, vista based.
i have tried my best.
please provide solution.
i am not able to connect a internet connection on my pc as it is not detecting the phone modem.
i am using Spice mobile phone and a vista based computer.

my modem is not detected & not shown I have windows xp & cable modem. my computer was just reformatted

my modem is not detected & not shown I have windows xp & cable modem. my computer was just reformatted

comp doesn't need to see cable modem ,its more likely that you need to install drivers for you network adapter

I have a Lenova with Windows XP and it too doesn't detect a modem for a dial up connection. which driver should I download. can anyone give me the link.?

I have a Lenova with Windows XP and it too doesn't detect a modem for a dial up connection. which driver should I download. can anyone give me the link.?

hi ,we'd love to help you ,but we need to know what model # Lenovo you have ,dose it have a dialup modem in it

Hi, i am using Tata data card on my laptop & i m using window 7 in my laptop. yesterday when i was connect my tata data in laptop error come modem not found.
I have tried my best.
please provide solution.
i am not able to connect a internet connection on my Laptop.

Please help my boss.

I have a Toshiba satellite laptop with windows 10 my broad band was working fine until yesterday but since my laptop is not showing my modem and I cannot use the net but the WiFi networks around are showing . plz help

pls I'm using a lenovo laptop with windows 10 n I'm having the same prob
I follwd the the solution given by Mr. Anteod Buh under the telephony options , can't locate "cards" pls ani help??

commented: Avoid 10+ year old posts. Create a new post with all the new info. -2

pls I need help in ma laptop
I'm using windows n jux recently can't

detect ma modern

commented: Avoid these really old posts. Make your new post with all laptop details. +0

I have a similar problem, but it is not with Wondows, it is with Windows Fax and Scan.

I am in Windows 7, a Thinkpad T500. My USB modem has installed successfully, has been activated within Wondows, and shows up as active in Devices and Printers. Here, however, it is displayed in icons as a "Device" and not "Printer-Fax". When I go into the modem information itself, howeverm it is cited as a type "Modems".

When I am in Windows Fax and Scan, it cannot see the modem.

Do you have any suggestions, please?

i have window 7 run on my system buy is not dictecting the mordem that i just bought ,what should i do to make it dictect the mordem ?somebody helps me pls

I'm actually having similar issue here... Just 2weeks ago i discovered that my modem started taking about 15-20 minutes before it could be detected by my laptop... shows no simcard too...
i'm using Dell inspiron 15566 windows 10... Help a brother

Does it work with a direct cable connection?

My Hsdpa Modem Jus Stop Workin.How Can I Fix It.Am Usin Acer Laptop Win 8

Modems can just stop working for a number of reasons ranging from a power spike to shorting out due to water, or catastrophic failure due to being crushed by a ten ton weight.

If you want any useful suggestions then please provide more information. Can you connect using a cable? Have you tried doing a factory reset? What is the modem connected to? Have you tried calling your ISP for help?

Information, please.

i have an Airtel boardband usb modem. it use to work properly but all of a sudden it has stopped working
when i plug it in any computer it displays a green light but the computer does not detect in both the device manger or file explorer and the modem setup does not display any more.

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