Hey gang!

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to talk about this, but if not I'm sure this will be redirected. So anyways, as my title says I am looking to create a homework submission folder for one of the teachers at my job so that he may go paperless in doing subitmitting coursework( much like most of the universities do now). I have tried a couple of things by way of creating folders and setting up some permissions but to no avail. Ultimately I would like the students to be able to submit their work, however they would not be able to see other students work that was submitted. It sounded like an easy task, but I was foiled. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


you could make the folder a drop box of sorts, where the folder has write only permission. Students could drag files into the folder, but not see what is in there, nor edit what is in there.

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