damiany2j 0 Newbie Poster

I have a business software called SAGE, and I have two Windows XP Dell Laptops networked together.

I have SAGE installed on both machines, although at the moment, they are separate. At the moment, when I update my SAGE invoices or details on one machine, I have to send it to the other so that I have consistent copies.

I wish to do something quite specific.

I want to be able to open SAGE on both machines, and then any changes I make on one machine gets automatically updated for the other.

For example, say one laptop opens Invoice number 1 and changes a customers name. At the same time, laptop 2 opens Invoice 2 and changes a different customer's phone number. On laptop one, the person using it finishes editing invoice one, and opens invoice 2, and the phone number has been updated, based on what the person on laptop 2 has done.

So, basically, I want 2 laptops to access and edit the 1 SAGE program in real time, so I don't have to remember to send files across to the other machine, and also so that two people can be creating and editing invoices without messing up the invoice numbers (for example, if they are left separate, two people could create an invoice with the same number, which would cause problems when creating a single backup file).

If that makes sense, could anyone help me out?