Just tryin to open a floppy and got this message:

This disk was compressed using DriveSpace 3, which requires Windows 95.
To use this disk, you must first mount it. To mount it:
1. Run DriveSpace by choosing Run from the Windows 95 Start menu,
and then typing DRVSPACE.

2. In DriveSpace, click the drive that contains this disk,
click the Advanced menu, and then click Mount.

(If this file is located on a drive other than the physical drive
that contains the disk, then the compressed drive is already mounted).

To automatically mount all available compressed drives, click the
Advanced menu, click Settings, and then check the "Automatically mount
new compressed drives" box.

IMPORTANT: To mount and use this compressed disk, you must be running
Windows 95 and DriveSpace 3.

Desperately need to open the file on the disk...please help me! :confused:

Well, the error means just what it says. You need the DriveSpace program installed.

Can't do too much to help you on that one, other than perhaps recommend you locate a Windows 95 machine running DriveSpace

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