I found this in a few different places around the 'net - hopefully it's helpful:

One-Click Shutdown

If you have Clean Sweep Deluxe, you should disable it before proceeding. Follow these directions to create a one-click shutdown shortcut:

  • Navigate to your Desktop.
  • On the Desktop, right-click and go to New, then to Shortcut (in other words, create a new shortcut).
  • You should now see a pop-up window instructing you to enter a command line path.
    Enter one of these as the path: SHUTDOWN -s -t 01
  • If the C: drive is not your local hard drive, then replace "C" with the correct letter of the hard drive.
  • Click the "Next" button.
  • Name the shortcut and click the "Finish" button.

Now whenever you want to shut down, just click on this shortcut and you're done. Also, if you want to make life better and faster, you can right-click the new shortcut you just made, go to Properties, and type in X (or whatever letter) in the Shortcut Key box.

forumdude123 commented: this could be hit on accident and cause problems. especially 4 years later, when accidental shutdown becomes a problem. maybe you should have updated this post saying that. now i have to re-download kubuntu (3gb file) because of that. +0

actually you have to dubbleclick:p

I've had a QUICK SHUTDOWN on my desktop for quite awhile :) (Win98se)

This is my command line if anyone wants it :)

C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL.EXE shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 1

lol.. i just click on the power buttion of my CPU. That does the job of shutting down :D

I must be doing something wrong, I have tried cscgal's, the dude's and the one offered by helloimtim @ webtechgeek, and none of them works. After opening "shortout wiz" and typing in the command when I click next a window pots up telling me "file not found". what going on here and what am I not doing right?

Hello my friend

Right click on your desktop,choose NEW then "shortcut" then when the command line box comes up,enter the string i posted above

C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL.EXE shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 1

Then complete the operation......

The only reason you would see FILE NOT FOUND is if you dont have RUNDLL.EXE in the windows directory......

Good luck!

Hey Dude, I typed it in just like you posted and got "C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL.EXE" counld not be found. Is there some place that I can check for this file?

Click start/find (files and folders)

Type that name in and see if you have it,if not i can provide you a copy if you'd like :)

I did a search for it and couldn't fine it.If you could send it to me , I;ld appreciate it.

Dude, don't want to sound dumb but DUD? How do I put that in my win directory? I'm not very wise when it comes to the registory or the directory.I've just recentently got up the nerve to to open and look in the registory. You know" if you don't know what you are doing then don't do it" that's me.LOL

Download the file to a folder you know where it is :)

Then right click the file and choose 'CUT' then click MY COMPUTER/C/WINDOWS and then click inside the windows folder where the folders are,right click and choose PASTE (Make sure it doesnt go into a folder within the 'windows' directory)

Good luck :)

Dude, are you running XP Pro? I'm running XP Home and everytime I try to do what you are telling me , I get that it's not a valid win32 app..I do thank you for your help, it just looks like I'm stuck doing it the old way.

This is a DLL file and it should go in your windows directory.....

I think it works on XP also im not sure though... (I thought you were on 98)

Sorry buddy

Think this just proves we're clearly all geeky - cool; but geeky! lol 16 posts on how to shut down a pc!

Quite impressed though! lol

Dazza :cool:

Looks like that file depends on the permissions we have on windows. Even I am unable to find that file.


You can tell Windows what to do when you press the power button on your system.

Under XP, Go to the Control Panel, Power Options, and click the Advanced tab. There's a dropdown box that says "When I press the power button on my cpmputer:"
Set that option to shut down and all you have to do is press the button on your box and the system shuts down for you. No Start button needed :D

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