canadiensflop 0 Newbie Poster

Hi. This is driving me nuts.

Once logged in to my account at the web site, when I try to to access any info, I get the "page not found error." This only happens at my own computer at home and is a recent problem.

At the suggestion of the helpful bowmans customer service staff I deleted my IE 6.0's cache (windows 98) and after restarting the computer, accessed by typing in the address instead of using favorites. Same problem.

Their second suggestion was to update to IE 6.2 but when I tried was told that I already have the necessary component updates.

Called my ISP and without really knowing what I was talking about, told them that when I ping it times out (which it does) and asked if they could clear their cache. They said they couldn't.

ISP tested my ability to access secure sites and I am able to access secure sites.

What could the problem be? Any help would be MUCH appreciated.

Thanks. -K