Hello all,

I am interested using Windows 8 but don't have any idea how to use this. Though I know how to use Windows 7 & XP as well. But want to learn Windows 8.

Can you share your experience how to use this?

Waiting for your idea please!

You start by putting in some effort on your own. Google it.

These tutorial videos will help you.
Click Here

Thanks guys I'll go for it.

It takes time to get use to an operating system

I know it takes time to be a master of anything.

You will hate it at first, then find it tolerable then you will love it!

Do try putting this on though as it will give you an easier transition:


Microsoft says they are srry bout messing up 8 and 8.1

I'll believe that when I see it. Do you have a link?

Well the way it's going to offer Windows 10 to those running a valid and pirated copy of windows 7 & 8 I wouldn't agree on this since it has affect on the market shares

Dear sir, its not so difficult to use windows 8 operating system. If you know how to operate windows 7... then u can easily use windows 8. thank you

Because Microsoft will provide free upgrades to Windows 7 and Windows 8.x users, why not just wait until Windows 10 is released, install that and then go from there? Why bother learning Windows 8.x when you'll just end up having to learn Windows 10?

because windows 10 is an unstable BETA at the moment

Did you read the part where I said wait until Windows 10 is released?

whoops srry bout that Reverend didn't see that part.

No problem. I've been running W10 in a virtual machine for a while and it is looking much better than W8.x (as long as you install Classic Shell).

Ive got it installed on the hdd very stable in fact there hasnt been A major bug so far since im on slow ring im currently on Windows 10 Build 10041 x64 my AMD 6300 FX unlocked can handle anything that 10 throws at it

Windows key and D. Brings you to the desktop. Start there.

I like windows 8 only thing is the uefi of some pc such as hp etc there uefi designs tend to be different and problematic when trying to get data of a hard drive more so all in ones the uefi can become corrupted by a slight shock and also even malware which makes it hard to fix i use linux live discs etc to deal with the problems i hope down the track they will harden the code of the uefi so less problems happen last week i repaired a hp all in one which had above problems

If only Windows 8 got better

It did get better. It's called Windows 10.

srry bout that my mind got sidetracked by something else

I will be getting ten when full version comes out presently using seven of which ill keep on this my work pc and put ten on a clean install on a new pc

And Build 10041 just got the streaming ability to play xbox games on the PC

Their is not much to learn in windows 8, it is indeed a nice windows, but i prefer Windows 7 more!
Though i want to see what Microsoft comes up with Windows 10!

Good Luck with it. No matter how well you know Windows 8, you may not like it. I think they built it on the Windows ME kernel. It's great for people who don't know a lot about computers. I call it Windows 8ol (aka AOL) because they try to make it easy and protect people. The one thing they didn't do to protect people is make "Hide extensions for known file types" disabled by default. If you get a file emailed to you and you see the extension. Chances are it's a virus because the extensions are hidden by default.

Go out and download the "Classic Start Menu". It is the best classic Windows start menu I've found. Even the place I work and places did support for all use it. It is free too.... although you can donate if you like.

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