can i completely uninstall iexplore?, I mean completely

If you're using Windows98 or below, yes. Otherwise, sorry you're outta luck. In their infinite wisdom, Microsoft has integrated iexplore.exe into explorer.exe, the base of the Windows operating system. What you can do, however, is set program defaults to use a 3rd party browser such as Mozilla as your default browser, instead of Internet Explorer.

If i have win98, how can i do it??

The problem is that if i use mozilla or other browser, they are certain websites that i wont be able to surf like if i tried to do a windows update...

Windows98 doesn't have IE as integrated into it as newer operating system's do. However, it was the first Windows version to integrate IE4 with the active desktop. I remember a rather old program (it's been years and years, so it would take quite a bit of searching to do it) that was capable of downgrading IE4 to IE3 in Windows98. IE3 ran as a standalone web browser program and was not at all integrated with the OS as IE4+ is.

If i have win98, how can i do it??

The problem is that if i use mozilla or other browser, they are certain websites that i wont be able to surf like if i tried to do a windows update...

OK, this is pretty simple go into uninstall programs and i believe its WIndows Components. And no you can unistall on XP, i acidently did this once.

No, nic_m_moon, you cannot completely uninstall it on Windows XP. You can disable it, but not uninstall it. Internet Explorer shares most of its files and functions with Windows Explorer, and without that your system quite simply wouldn't even operate!

There is a 3rd Party Product, however, which will remove most of it from your system, and make your Windows XP installation appear not to have Internet Explorer installed at all:

XPLite does a much better job of removing traces from your system than the 'Add/Remove Windows Components' applet does ;)

thanks for the help, problem solved

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