I put a new member notice up and asked the questionat the same time, What web browser is better?

Opera or FireFox?

Other suggestions are appreciated also. I'm tired of IE7. I would like experts to help me.

I hope this does not make any members mad by putting the question in the wrong area.

Thank you and your assistance is highly appreciated.


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All 3 Replies

This is just one man's opinion, but I vote for FireFox. I administer about 20 PC in our business and I been running FireFox for about 1.5 yrs without problems. I have no complains.
I tried Opera, but wasn't to found of it, and wne to FireFox when over 2 yrs. ago.

Firefox 2.0 for me to,haven't tried opera in years ,I hate IE 7,thanks God for some reason i can't install it on my main computer ,registry restrictions

if you like fashion browser with internet explorer like browser then try opera.

if you are developer and want to load websites quickly then download firefox.

firefox is the no 1 browser currently

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