blacklocist 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hi all,
Well I was applying updates in my WSUS and wasn't really paying attention and let IE7 out of pandora's box. No I am really regretting it. Does anyone know of a script to uninstall IE7.

My first idea was to write a script and deploy through GPO. The syntax is:
%windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe /passive /forcerestart

If you do a:
%windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe /? It will show all the switches.

If you recall uninstalled IE7 it takes you through a wizard sort. Then a windows display saying "If you uninstall IE7 some of these programs might not work" or close to that. Almost like a guilt trip. If you run the spuninst.exe with the switches I "believe" if the wizard detects any "possible" dependency it just quits and exits the entire uninstall.

Has anybody else had luck with uninstalling IE7 on a large network?
I also %^*& hate IE7. Firefox Forever!!

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