hey all, I just reformatted and reinstalled everything. went to PCpitstop to run diagnostics and I came up with a red flag under memory performance, here is a list of my full results, http://www.pcpitstop.com/techexpress.asp?id=RLBNLW8GFMUSUZME Everything with my mem was fuine before I reformatted, any suggestions? I did do an FDisk and I still need to flash update my BIOS.

I'm guessing either that your RAM is slower than your motherboard supports (perhaps too slow for your CPU), or that the web-site you used is just red-flagging when it shouldn't be (i.e. a bug in their code)

When you say it was fine before, do you mean you've never had any problems, or that PC-Pit-Stop said it was fine before?

I'm guessing either that your RAM is slower than your motherboard supports (perhaps too slow for your CPU), or that the web-site you used is just red-flagging when it shouldn't be (i.e. a bug in their code)

When you say it was fine before, do you mean you've never had any problems, or that PC-Pit-Stop said it was fine before?

I mean both, I never had any problems with it before, and PCPitstop flaged it as good before, so I dunno whats goin on =P

This mem is not too slow for my CPU it is the same RAM I've been using with no conflictions. I ran Quick Teck Pro and did a diagnostics check on my RAM and it says that it is all good, so I have no frickin clue as to what is going on. Anyone think swapping out the RAM mgiht help? I'm clueless.

Like QKS said, could be a bug at PitStop. I wouldn't worry about unless you have operational problems.

Yea, well I do have one funky kind of operation error. My sound is messed up. It skips, and is like almost lagging. I might need to find the exact sound driver for it by opening up the case and looking at the model, but I'm not sure if it would be that or the memory might be messing it up. Regardless I am buying some PC3500 ram today, and I'll post what it does if anyone is interested, any ideas on the sound thing though? Danke

What type of motherboard do you have? Will your board even support PC3500? For most people, I'd only recommend running PC3500 if you're doing over clocking, or if you're running a newer P4 or something similar.

Your sound issue might be memory-related , but I'd look for driver updates for your chipset and sound card before exploring anything else. I'm thinking the same thing as Mike Feury-- aside from the sound, I'd be looking for some clue (blue screens, restarts, freezes, shutdowns) that your memory is bad.

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