wing987 0 Newbie Poster

I am having an issue. I am in charge of a BN level network that needs to share between 2 other domains. My problem is higher has control, of course. So I have two companies unable to recieve files created just for them. We are using highers server on a sharepoint system (links do not go to a web page, rather to the files on the server. This simplifies drag and drop as well as file sharing for ID10T problems.) The sharepoint system is accessable as users have an account to log on to with this domain. File shareing WILL NOT WORK do to trust issues. Higher refuses to do the work to fix the trust issues.

Ok, that is the setup. I have this option: Connect our own server where we have control, but are required to use highers domain resulting in only increased storage, not ability to share. My boss needs the sace, so this is a must. However not being able to share files to another domain renders the whole reason for using sharepoint useless, as anyone who can view them are local and dont NEED to use the network to get it.

My question: How can I share files on my own server to another domain when I have no control over my domains trust issues?

Sorry about spelling errors, fast typing on an old computer while deployed....gotta love them sticky buttons!!

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