i just got my AOL wireless router for like 2 week and i cant connect my laptop to the router i could find the router on my wireless connection but it says that it has limited or no connectivity then i tried repairing it by the repair button and it says that cant finish the repair cause it cant renew my IP adress i tried restarting my router by pressing the ''restore factory settings botton'' but it did the same thing please help me

Make sure that the wireless settings is "on" on your router. What type of router is it? Then, reset the router. Also restart your computer. Make sure there are no passwords, in other words, that the network isn't secured. Now try connecting to the router by clicking the wireless tray icon. Once you connect to the right network(double check the name) click the 'Connect' button.

Try this and then check back. Make sure you do everything I told you.

i just got my AOL wireless router for like 2 week and i cant connect my laptop to the router i could find the router on my wireless connection but it says that it has limited or no connectivity then i tried repairing it by the repair button and it says that cant finish the repair cause it cant renew my IP adress i tried restarting my router by pressing the ''restore factory settings botton'' but it did the same thing please help me

sounds like ur having a similar problem like me. I am usb adapter to connect to a router. Well, I know I need a ndiswrapper ..........
Ask around But I thought I may help..

I was connected to a wireless internet and one day in the middle of something it kicked me off, and now it won't let me back on. It says that there is no internet available. Could someone please tell me how to get my laptop back on my wireless internet

check your wireless adapter setting. if you are not familiar with ip and dns then set them to automatic. hope it will work.

Maybe It Must Be Your Computer Wifi Ploblem?? You Can Try Off And On Your Wifi But If U Can't Restart Your Computer... They Reason They Say Limited Or No Connectivity Is Because Either You Are Not Connected To The Modem... And Make Sure Your Modem Is Connected To The TV PLUG... And Make Sure You Connect The Wire From The Modem To Your Router.. You Should Connect It To The Enthernet Port Shown On Your Router.... As Shown Above You May Reset Your Router... Any More Ploblems?? Post It And I Can Help

The wireless of the laptop become weak..It should be changed

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