The problem occured roughly 3 days ago, where the Wireless Network Connection speed will go from 11mbps straight down to 1kps then back up to 11 again and back down... constantly, 1 second apart.
I'm with BT broadband and so am using the Bthomehub router, and have been for the past few months with absolutely no problems whatsoever.
This happens to all the computers and laptops in the house using the 11b adapters, and with the 54g adapters it doesn't show the 11kbps or 1kbps as it just stays at the 54.0 Mbps with excellent signal, but still manages to be slow, just as slow as the 11b adapter.
I've called up BT and they wasn't much help, just said that our line was fine and it was something to do with the adpaters we have... which I find hard to believe considering that before this happened, all of them was fine and now every single computer and laptop receives 1Kbps Wireless speed no matter how close you are to the router.
This leads me to believe that it has something to do with port forwarding or the internals of the router.. but can't be sure..
Any suggestions or theories will be appreciated!
Thanks for taking the time to help.