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i am a carefree guy who loves reading and learning new things. graphics is my passion although when not doing any thing i like to build amp for my firends

Electronics, web and 3d (blender 2.6)
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Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys have a python software that i want to freeze for distribution. The problem is after freezing it with cx_freeze and i run it, it works fine on my development computer but when i sent it to my testing computer (window XP sp3 32bit) it give me this error …

Member Avatar for Thomas Karl
Member Avatar for PKI

You are using ajax to submit for data so do this: 1. Remove `action="Registration" method="POST"` from your form tag. 2. Change `type="submit"` to `type=buttom`. 3. Check your url again `url : "Registration"`. if it is a file should it end with jsp or a file type. eg: `url : "/Registration.jsp"`

Member Avatar for otengkwaku
Member Avatar for itsnauman

try [Ananse]( it is an internet download manager i am working on

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

To download streaming videos on window is very easy after all there are so many softwares to do that for you but on linux it is not soo easy. There is howevery this command line tool that helps you do this [youtube-dl]( But this command line tool lacks some features …

Member Avatar for <M/>

I think there is. most of these cloud services provide you with public url for accessing you file. so i think the way to go is manually generating these url and putting it in ur web page

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys i have an sql query string that in my view there is something wrong with it but i an handicaped since i am very new to sql so my question is, is there any way of optimizing this query string select, from (select cat,site from news where …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys i have a table with this data ______________ | site | cat | ______________ | my | sp | | my | sp | | my | cc | | my | cc | | yo | sp | | yo | sp | | yo | cc …

Member Avatar for otengkwaku
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

The whole idea is your email is stored on your local computer and that of your recipient's. This is how it works: first the user downloads and installs the email server on his machine. Then create a private and public keys for encrypting his/her data. The user then registers his …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dlmagers

You have create the `calcTaxes` but you are not calling it. i think you should do it like this: var calculate_tax = function() { var total; var income = parseFloat( $("income").value ); $("tax").value = calcTaxes(income); console.log(tax); function calcTaxes(amount){ var calculate = 0; if(amount > 85650){ tax = (amount - 85650) …

Member Avatar for dlmagers
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Not be living in God (Jesus) or heaven is a consure effort but the fact is there is a God and there is heaven and we know this because our heart tell us so. If there is know God or heaven why do we feel the need to do good …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys i am using sax to extract data from an xml file but i can't seem to discover how to extract <![CDATA[%s]]> from the xml below is the xml and the java code //java codepublic class XmlParser { public XmlParser(String xml) { try { SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Dani

the ideas are sooo many i don't know what to do. i thing doing a mobil app and a desktop app that sync together and danweb to keep you up to date what do you guy think

Member Avatar for Mike_danvers
Member Avatar for crysys

Surround the whole object with an a tag or since the logo is a flash object u can use actionscript to add a click event

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

U must remember that parseFLoat convert a string to a floating point number any thing else and it will return NaN [more on parseFloat ] ( at line 18 of your code u are trying to convert to float a value that is already a float so remove the …

Member Avatar for chrisschristou
Member Avatar for Lloklethalis

Have you cleaned the laptop recently. I think it has to do with dust. Open the laptop and clean the fan also clean the heat sink. After that oil the the fan and let see if it works

Member Avatar for Lloklethalis
Member Avatar for mattyd

As JorgeM said your best bet is to use session data. if the preson posting is a user them my advise to you is when a user login store a reference to the user's db in the users session data example will be the user's db id then you can …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

var getDataFromUrl = function(url) { rest.get(url).on('complete',function(data) { if(data instanceof Error) { console.log("url error"); process.exit(1); }else {return data}; }); }; when this function (getDataFromUrl) is called by another function it return undefine what is happing

Member Avatar for otengkwaku
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys Happy New year. I miss you all :), that is just by the way. I am thinking of building a CMS with nodejs ana i will like your take on it? First of all i have seen other simlly projects but they are all fixed in the type …

Member Avatar for Sand_Man

i want you guys to give me an idea for a game, thus if you will like a game for your phone this 2013 what game will it be and how will it be like. i want to try my hands on game making but i can't seem to get …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for jpk1a873

def getInput(): hours = float(input('How many hours did you work: ')) while hours < 8 or hours > 86: print ('Error- Hours must be at least 8 and less than 86') hours = float(input('re-enter hours workde: ')) rate = float(input('What is your hourly rate?: ')) while rate < 7 or …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys, i am working on a project the need me to convert a compressed obj file using webgl utf-8 compresor [webgl-loader]( back to it acsii version. I will like someone to point me in the rigth direction. i am comfused as to how to do the decompression

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys i will like to know how to reprecate fseek(fp, -1) in C to python. Thus send the read head a charactor back

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for wolf_one

it is good well done i will encorage you to keep on working hard and trying new stuff that is the only way to learn. and also try hard to answer other peoples question you find out that you will be learning more

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

I went for an interveiw yesterday. and in my cv i had a link to my endorsment page. To my supreise i pass, all the others had better cv than me but i pass. I had something all of them didn't have endorsment from people i did not know and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for derejetaffese

We don't do home works here. But as a way of helping 1. first creat a list of all posibly morpheme. 2. when a verb is given to your programe it should split the verbs into it morphemes 3. according to what you want to analyse store the 4. number …

Member Avatar for otengkwaku
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

hi guy, i have created an app why my beloved python. i have frozen it using cx_freeze for easy distribution but the problem is, on my development computer (win7) it runs perfectly but when i send it to a testing pc (windows XP sp3 32bit) it give me the error …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for gvsamrat

Hi we don't spoon feed people here this is a site for learning and developing your self. We help you to learn so you can intern teacher other here. So my advice to you is try to code some thing and when you run into problems then you can post …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi guys i have created a python 2.7 application using PyQt4 and Pyttsx. PyQt4 is a crossplatform GUI library and pyttsx is a text to speach library the code can be found [here]( Pleace if you have a comment of imporovement let me know thanks

Member Avatar for bikashjit

google has a free search engin you can you. also try searching the web you will get prenty open scoure out there

Member Avatar for kittyshen2013
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Wrote a peice of code that does something uniquc in my point of view. After that i was so excited that i published it. Only to find out that it contain a bug. By the way the bug was very defficul to spot. and by solving the bug i reworte …

Member Avatar for snippsat