2,070 Topics

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<?php $firstname = $_POST{'firstname'}; $username = $_POST{'username'}; $emailaddress = $_POST{'emailaddress'}; $password = $_POST{'password'}; $contact = $_POST{'contact'}; //Database connection $conn =new mysqli('localhost','root','','registration'); if ($conn->connect_error) { die('connection failed : '.$conn->connect_error) }else{ $stmt = $conn->prepare("insert into users(firstname, username, emailaddress, password, contact) vlaues (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") $stmt-> bind param("ssssi",$firstname, $username, $emailaddress, $password, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Hugo Edson

I wrote this line of code: database = {"host":host, "user":user, "password":password, "db":db, "charser":charset, "cursorclass":cursorclass} and i'm receiving this: {'host': '', 'user': "b'freedbtech_'", 'password': "b''", 'db': "b'freedbtech_cursopython'", 'charset': 'utf8mb4', 'cursorclass': "<class 'pymysql.cursors.'>} i need to remove those "b's" and " ' " in the strings, but i don't know how to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for anneseo08

I am currently creating a simple invoice page. But I am also having a hard time retrieving and displaying the price and description of items selected by the userfrom my dropdown (dropdown is populate from database). My knowledge of jquery and php were not that deep yet. I hope someone …

Member Avatar for k99rs
Member Avatar for Komlika_1

Consider the following database Room (room_no,room_name,room_type,charges) Guest(Guest_code, Gname,city) The relationship is as follows: Room-Guest: one-to-one. room_type can have values as either ‘AC’ or ‘NonAC’. Q 2) A Create the above database in PostGreSQL and insert sufficient records.

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Deepak_71

I have my resoruces stored in mysql DB: eg : > |IPaddress | Status| |10.x.x.x| yes| |10.1.x.x| yes| I am trying to get the available resource and after that will update DB with status No. > query = ("SELECT IPaddress from TABLE where status='yes'") cursor = mydb.cursor() cursor.execute(query) result=cursor.fetchall() query1 …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Billclinton

A company by the name focus computer system has a standard rate of 1.6% of the salary of every employee Write a c program that accept employee salary as to display the rate amount after it's application

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Sarahle

For example: Http:localhost:8080/api/customer/{id} If I post in postman instead of Id a parameter it will work fine , But in html I’m asking the user for an input and than I want to pass the input in the path instead of the Id Is it possible ? Only spring boot …

Member Avatar for Sarahle
Member Avatar for Ravi_76
Member Avatar for Dima_5
Member Avatar for Charlie_13

Python program that will 1)Define a single point for the red/green dot near the supposedly enemy territory; 2)Define a subset A of your DEM raster image towards the friendly territory; 3)Calculate the line of sight for each pair (of observation pixel to target pixel); 4)Sum the total number of green …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Marco_18

Hello, I created a function to show data related to a database called skede with fields "name" "surname" "age" in a page called vive.php This is the code function mostraskede(){ $ricercaskede = query('SELECT * FROM skede ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0'); conferma($ricercaskede); while ($row = fetch_array($ricercaskede)){ //echo $row['titolo']; …

Member Avatar for ferrerjulie
Member Avatar for Mannan_3

Hi guys, this is my first post on the forum and I am in need of some help. I am a PHP beginner and I have been trying to come up with a solution to my issue for a while now. I am trying to make a system where a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for dearbhla_mcd

I have a form with dropdowns. Based on that form input you should be able to view the details of multiple employee's in another JSP. I cannot get this to work and when testing, the arraylist employeesList size returns zero. My code is below - can anyone see where I …

Member Avatar for HKold
Member Avatar for ronaktiwari6979

<LEGEND ><b><%=pagetitl%>:-</b></LEGEND> <div id="container"> <div id="dynamic"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" class="display" id="example" style="width:98%;" > <thead > <tr style="background-color:#E6E6FA;border-color:#a7c9de;"> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >File ID</th> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >Title</th> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >Name</th> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >Last Refresh Date/Time</th> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >Refresh Now</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table>

Member Avatar for Alendrew11

Hello Microsoft community, Actually I am the developer and has created my site. I want to integrate it with Microsoft Office migration. There are four types Microsost Office 365 Migration and also let me if I can integrate all of them. And also let me know the process and the …

Member Avatar for Ryan_46
Member Avatar for TechnoJarvis

i want to store 2 column value in multi rows like if i paste a value in textarea like (12.50,25.100,5.30,78.500,98.2000) and this value insert in my table with 2 column like col1 col2 12 50 25 100 05 30 78 500 98 2000 so sir can you please help

Member Avatar for ayushsingh
Member Avatar for vermarahul43
Member Avatar for r4ds

Hello. I noob programing. I need extracting "ALGARROBO" and put in variable in JS. <select> <option value="0560200101">ALGARROBO</option> <option value="0760200601">CALIFORNIA</option> "" "" "" +70 options </select> Someone would be so kind to give me the js code? It is not possible to change the "value", since that information goes to api …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for feehoy

I have a script that calls image files through a database. It all works well but the image list is too long and loading is slow.I need to implement lazy loading after the third image. How do I implement this? <?php $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM image_uploads WHERE filename …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ridhima_1
Member Avatar for cosmo13

> Hey there! I don't know why "Your Password is Incorrect!" is printed before I fillin the form. I've started learning php two weeks ago <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <form action = "" method="POST"> <label id="first"> Name: </label><br/> <input type="text" name="username" placeholder= "Name" required><br/> <label id="first">Password: </label><br/> <input …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for Vitor_2

This is the scenario: **User A:** Access the website and choose a questionnaire. The questionnaires are separated on different pages in the same domain, for example: **Home:** "surveys.com" **Questionnaires:** "surveys.com/type1" "surveys.com/type2" After choosing one, he (**User A**) puts the following information: **1** = Recipient's email **2** = His email And …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for Deve381

I have 3 radio buttons on my form A , B , C but when i clicked on A radio it shows specific dropdown which get data from database table but by fruitid 1 and when i clicked on B it will show data fruitid 2 as onnword. i need …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for z.smart

How can read line in file that line have recordor examplethe file: date new_cases new_deaths 2020-07-30 665 10 2020-07-31 590 9 2020-08-01 - 0 2020-08-02 - - 2020-06-04 738 8 2020-06-05 779 - 2020-06-06 770 5 4 line it is not record new_cases or new_deaths so wae ignore the line …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for gfsrt

The user is going to enter the product number, then the program must be able to open the file, read the information of a inventory in the company, capture the information into an structured array and display the specific product with its information in the labels. all this using a …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for Jesse_21

I am attempting to update my accounts table for the current session ID with the data posted from a form. My first prepare statement is functioning fine and can be seen functioning through the placeholder variables in the form. It is my second prepare statement that doesnt seem to be …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for MD Nawab
Member Avatar for Pavan_23

Write a Python function maxaceregate(!) that takes a list of pairs of the form (name score) as argument, where name is a string and score is an Integer Each pair is to be interpreted as the score of the named player For instance, an input of the form [CKohir 73) …

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The End.