1,135 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kramer.Cosmo33

Hi, I just started learning how to use oracle I am suppose to create a table for a school that includes class, instructor, enrolls and teaches. I've basically understand everything, but my only problem is I keep getting a with my schedule_num in my class table. It is suppose to …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Sadikb

Hi, I wanted to find out, which are the best-selling and most useful books on Oracle DBA, Development and applications. I request Daniweb members and other experts to pitch in their opinions with 1> Best Book for the Oracle DBA, 2> Best Book for Oracle developers, 3> Best Book for …

Member Avatar for Lincoln25
Member Avatar for iceman29

Hi , Can we have an sql query to get the max 5 values from a column? Please paste a sample code if its possible. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for pulsar8700
Member Avatar for axeeffect2002

Hi, I have written a sql script which takes the rows from a table and writes it to a .csv file. The script is as follows:- [CODE] set feedback off; spool output.csv; set heading off; SELECT username||','||profession from users; spool off; [/CODE] This works fine but output.csv contains a blank …

Member Avatar for babyDBA
Member Avatar for AndreRet

A reply on so many data and SQL questions, this attachment has 20 forms with all different connection samples and data related queries. This will put any beginner on the right track to successful coding in vb6. I have put together this sample from numerous others over the past few …

Member Avatar for cutedipti

hello! As i am trying to insert multiple rows using following command [ICODE] insert into customer(c_id,c_name,c_city,c-street) values('C101','Hayes','Downtown','Main'), ('C102','Willum','Perryridge','North'), ('c103','Smit','Brooklyn','Park'); [/ICODE] It always gives me an error that [TEX] ERROR at line 2: command not properly ended [/TEX] Please tell me why this error is occuring & what's solution to it? …

Member Avatar for Princeomari
Member Avatar for mir77

Dear friends, Plz tell me , how can i detect the pc's ip address from oracle software dynamically?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Jammie

Hi there, I'm trying to write a SQL query based on the following tables. [code=sql]create table purch ( integer user_id, * integer product_id, * integer item_count, date purch_date * ); create table product_categ ( integer product_id, * integer category_id )[/code] Could someone tell me how to find the lag between …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for d_preety

ANyone of you would please refer me preparation material for 1Z0-007 Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL exam?This is first step to be OCA certified. What I've found as of now is: [url]http://www.amazon.com/OCA-OCP-Introduction-Oracle9i-Study/dp/0782140629[/url] [url]http://www.amazon.com/Oracle-9i-Exam-Cram-1Z0-007/dp/0789732483[/url] Thank you in advance!

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for khess

[B]For Sale By Owner:[/B] One Commercial Linux Company with excellent history and reputation in the enterprise Linux arena. Profitable concern specializing in open source and Linux-based solutions. Offers top-notch distribution with broad hardware support, superb technical solutions, built-in virtualization, education and certification programs. Known to the technical world as [URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red …

Member Avatar for sammy_spade
Member Avatar for khess

This post has nothing to do with Michael Jackson, his death, his kids, his Neverland Ranch or anything related to him. It has everything to do with my need for a virtual laboratory where I can test virtual machines, write about them or produce other documentation about them without a …

Member Avatar for ronkupper
Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://blogs.zdnet.com/perlow"]Jason Perlow[/URL] and I had the pleasure of interviewing [URL="http://www.kickfire.com"]Kickfire[/URL] CEO Bruce Armstrong for the May 22nd episode of [URL="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/frugalfriday"]Frugal Friday[/URL] to discuss the Kickfire appliance. The Kickfire appliance is a Linux-based, rack-mountable, database appliance tuned for Data Warehousing. Here's the real scoop: Starting at a mere $32,000 US, you …

Member Avatar for khess

Well, well, well...Larry Ellison, [URL="http://www.oracle.com"]Oracle[/URL] CEO [URL="http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/press/018535"]added[/URL] [URL="http://www.virtualiron.com"]Virtual Iron[/URL] to his collection today. Congratulations, Larry. When is Oracle going bankrupt? Every time that I've seen a company acquire too many other companies in a short time period, they always end up in the dustbin. Oracle just acquired [URL="http://www.sun.com"]Sun[/URL] just one …

Member Avatar for carlyse_09
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Will the tech sector lead an economic turnaround? Forbes.com thinks so. This week, Peter C. Beller writes that Monday’s IBM revenues numbers and the fallout from the proposed Oracle and Sun Microsystems could lay the groundwork for an economic rebound. I’ll get to the IBM numbers in a moment, but …

Member Avatar for khess

As you probably have heard, Oracle bought Sun for $7.4 billion today. I'm no Larry Ellison fan, because frankly, I think he's a few cards short of a full deck but I think in the long run, this is good for Sun. Not all of Sun but a lot of …

Member Avatar for rackserverdeals
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's probably a little early to be looking for implications of Oracle buying Sun (no, it's official, here's the [URL="http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/press/018363"]press release[/URL]). They've only just confirmed it's happening, and as one of the journalists who covered Novell buying Lotus many years ago I can confirm things aren't done until they're done, …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It’s another tough morning for tech stocks, with Apple, HP, Oracle, Motorola, Google, and Dell all seeing their stocks fall 2% or more. The falloff is primarily from the news that consumer/retail spending fell 2.7% in December – twice the amount that economists had expected. At least the companies I …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Oracle, Research and Motion and Palm are all releasing earnings statements today, and that should pick up momentum in what has been a fairly dormant technology trading week. The web site Tradingmarkts.com thinks the earnings news means opportunity in two technology-heavy exchange-traded funds (ETFs); Technology Select Sector (SPDR ETF XLK); …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Here we go again. I can't remember how many years ago it was that I gave a talk to a major Enterprise software supplier's customers (and a couple of its executives - two of them, that becomes important a little later) on the nature of the small to medium enterprise …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Trying, ever so hard, to find some good news amidst the doom and gloom on Wall Street. At least the market went up for a second straight session, with the DJIA up 400 points on Monday trading; that after rising 500 points last Friday. Investors seemed cautiously optimistic about the …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Google's stock is up 10% today, and the stock market is up over 250 points (at 2 PM EST), and I don't think the twin spike is merely a coincidence. Why? As I wrote yesterday, the market looks to major tech players like Google, Apple and IBM, just to name …

Member Avatar for khess

The other day, I saw an article on Forbes.com named [I][URL="http://www.forbes.com/2008/10/10/ellison-cloud-computing-tech-enter-cx_wt_1010oracle.html"]Ellison Shoots Hole in Cloud[/URL][/I] and just had to read further. I did read it. The whole thing. I was puzzled, then I laughed, and finally I was mystified by his comments. The article made me wonder just what the …

Member Avatar for brucearnold
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

One of the year’s biggest disappointments has to be Seagate Teachnology. The high-tech heavyweight is taking on so much water that barnacles are starting to grow on its bottom line. Hey . . . at least something is growing on Seagate’s bottom line. Before I get into Seagate’s woes, I …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is between a rock and a hard place. Bernanke, who spends another day in front of a congressional panel defending his handling of the Fed during a tough economic period, is stuck with a Hobson’s choice. Lower interest rates to help the economy but risk …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I spent the day yesterday at [URL="http://www.enterprise2conf.com/"]Enterprise 2.0[/URL] in Boston, all in all a fascinating day and great conference, but what caught my attention was a presentation by two representatives of the CIA, and I’m not talking about the Culinary Institute of America, but *the* CIA, as in the preeminent …

Member Avatar for guineu
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[URL="http://www.zoho.com"]Zoho[/URL], makers of an online office suite and business tools, aimed mostly at small to medium sized businesses, made its best effort to make a big splash last week when it announced it was introducing an enterprise version of the Zoho CRM product. Unfortunately, Zoho’s announcement was timed in the …

Member Avatar for Josh_Whiting
Member Avatar for Danny

[url=http://www.sun.com]Sun Microsystems[/url], the pioneers of the Java technology, announced today that auto maker General Motors has chosen the Java ES to provide an “integrated software environment

Member Avatar for balakrishnan.kb

Hi Everyone, I have one doubt in oracle view.. How to pass the parameter oracle view.please help me

Member Avatar for balakrishnan.kb
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me Explanation about [COLOR="Green"]2NF And 3NF[/COLOR] Normalization.Kindly help me .Any help would be highly appreciated.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for shikhar01

hey can u pls help me wid some ideas for my BE project on distributive database.....i intend to use oracle on implementing it.. pls help thnx

Member Avatar for debasisdas

The End.