72 Topics

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Member Avatar for Pityu

Hey there My issue is the following: I have a windows-based xampp-apache server with which I would like to make sub-sub domain redirects to subdirectory: I have a domain, for which on the cpanel I've made an A-record to my IP address: The sub domain is *.dev.bestudion.net. Whay I want …

Member Avatar for gtec
Member Avatar for xtinab

For a project I'm doing for class I have to make a virtual method in a class. A subclass will inherit the virtual method and instantiate it in a separate .cpp file. The problem I'm having is that I need the class that has the virtual method to instantiate its …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for al41007

Hey! for a school project, came to me the following question: the libopenmetaverse is more directed to any of the components of the MVC (model, view, controller) or apply to any of them? someone can help me with this? thanks

Member Avatar for al41007
Member Avatar for surajrai

Hi, I have seen in couple of places the code where ToString() method has been overriden. Like : class Employee : IComparable<Employee> { public int Salary { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int CompareTo(Employee other) { if (this.Salary == other.Salary) { return this.Name.CompareTo(other.Name); } …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Peter4n31

Hello, I need to update my older Autodesk plug-in. And I am having troubles get it through. (They changed one function) This is a new definition which I cannot change: [CODE] CoreExport virtual void EnumAuxFiles(AssetEnumCallback& assetEnum, DWORD flags);[/CODE] And here is my code: [CODE] class CheckFileNames: public AssetEnumCallback { public: …

Member Avatar for Peter4n31
Member Avatar for Dman01

Hi community First I want to thank everyone who will look through this, because it's a longer post. I'm currently reading a book on AI by Mat Buckland. I'm re-building Mats entitymanager, though I just copied it. He used std::map to collect all entities as pointers which are cross referenced …

Member Avatar for Dman01
Member Avatar for infantheartlyje

I have a base class and two derived class. One derived class which inherits base class as virtual and another one as non virtual. I have given below my codin. [CODE] // This program uses virtual base classes. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class base { public: int i; }; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for moneypro

#include<iostream> using namespace std; class area { double dim1, dim2; public: void setarea(double d1, double d2) { dim1= d1; dim2 = d2; } void getdim(double &d1, double &d2) { d1 = dim1; d2 = dim2; } virtual double getarea() { cout<<"You must override this functionn"; return 0.0; } }; class …

Member Avatar for moneypro
Member Avatar for ravigautam

Hello, I am new to C++ programming. Till now I have done some toy programs and classroom exercises. I want to develop a Virtual Drive software like PowerISO/Magic ISO. I searched Daniweb but couldn't get a thread where such problem was discussed. So from where should I start to develop …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cuonic

Hi, I'm having a little problem with a password Reset Script I've made The script sends you a reset hash to your email to confirm that you requested the password reset. This resethash is just a random string with letters and numbers that is 15 chars long Problem is, when …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for galhajaj

Hi :) i am new in C# and i am a little confused with the abstruct, virtual and override terms in C#... why they are good for? i tried to google it but i got more confused... for example - i am making a chess program and i made a …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Agni

I have been reading the 'inside the c++ object model' by Lippman and one of the sections has me a little confused. It is the section where the author explains how virtual tables are created and virtual pointers assigned, in the scenario of multilevel, single inheritance. If anyone here has …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for ninjatalon

Today I was taught about virtual methods but got lost somewhere in the pointers. Here is an example [CODE] class Person { protected: string name; public: virtual string get_name() { return name; } }; class TFaculty:public Person { private: string title; public: virtual string get_name() { return title + " …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for eskimo456

Hi there I was wandering how a virtual Os exactly works and if it is classed as easier or harder then building a kernel for a normal OS? I have read briefly about having virtual hardware and having to create additional files etc. I have also read about creating one …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for zaneulhaq

Hey guys i'll show the code first then explain my problem: [code=c] Class A { /*Variables required by A, B, C and D */ /*functions required by B and C*/ }; Class B { /*some of it's own functions and variables*/ }; Class C { /*some of it's own functions …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for ispeakbinary

I am learning c++ now and have encountered a problem in trying to create single digit addition, multiplication and subtraction math questions. The numbers used in the questions are randomly generated from 1 to 9 and when I try to print the answer for the corresponding question, I get a …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I need a few helps for some things that I just cannot get the syntax of! (I need these, and if you don't believe me I can post the reason) 1) Creating a function within a function 2) Creating a class within a function 3) Declaring a template function outside …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am working on making a 'safetype' abstract class, which will have a complete set of pure virtual operator overloads to help make sure that a class inherited from it is safe to pass to virtual any function. The problem is that I don't know the syntax of a pure …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for happygeek

At the start of the year, Barry Collins (news editor at PC Pro magazine) published an [URL="http://www.pcpro.co.uk/features/354457/whatever-happened-to-second-life"]interesting piece[/URL] on how he had recently revisited Second Life having three years earlier found it to be packed full of folk doing lots of things including having lots of virtual sex, only to …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for gilly231

I need help with an assignment for my programming course. I have three classes A,B,C. all stored in one array. (These are not my real classes there are just a guide) [CODE=c] Class A{ char name; public: virtual print(){ printf("%s",name); } } Class B : public A{ char middleName; public: …

Member Avatar for gilly231
Member Avatar for venet

Hi, I have a Toshiba NB300 laptop running win7, and I'm trying to run some software that requires a screen res of at least 1024x700. Unfortunately, the max res of this laptop is 1024x600. I have searched the web looking for a solution for this, people with similar issues had …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

So now we know that Microsoft is pushing out the release version of the latest in the operating system line-up, Windows 7, starting this week on the 30th April [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4283.html"]according to official sources[/URL]. However, we also know from various news reports that many existing Windows users are not exactly head …

Member Avatar for SaintThomas
Member Avatar for rje7

[code] public class Animal { public void eat() { System.out.println("I eat like a generic Animal."); } public static void main(String[] args) { } } class Fish extends Animal { @Override public void eat() { System.out.println("I eat like a fish!"); } } class Goldfish extends Fish { @Override public void eat() …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for lytnus

I have a design question which I have not been able to find a satisfactory answer for by searching. Essentially, I have a class - Base - that contains a vector of pointers to another class - Node. However, I would like to be able extend both the Base and …

Member Avatar for lytnus
Member Avatar for KillerOfDN

Hey guys, I have a domain and sub domain set up using hosting services from data flame, the sub domain is set up as a physical sub domain. The sub domain hosts the CMS so I need to upload (product) images from there to the main domain. I spent a …

Member Avatar for daudiam

During runtime when a program asks for a memory block (say, by malloc()), its provided with a block of virtual addresses, say 0x10000000 to 0x1000A00 (for 32 bit). During the execution, other processes are incorporated into the main memory and pages 0x10000000-0x100000A0 are paged out. After some time, the program …

Member Avatar for enigmaYes

Hey guys. This is an assignment I've been given by my professor for a C++ course. The assignment description is below: [COLOR="Green"]Create a class ThreeDShape that has a default constructor and pure virtual functions double getSurfaceArea(), double getVolume() and void print(). Function getSurfaceArea() should compute and return the surface area …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for docsleezy

i need to make a program that would basically monitor the raw data from the firewire port on my pc, encode it to ethernet protocol, and send to mac. and on the mac create a virtual firewire mounting point and interpret data back to firewire, i would imagine this would …

Member Avatar for docsleezy
Member Avatar for madmax007

Hi, I want to develop a an application based on independent "CustomModule" that all derived from a base class "BaseModule" and that can send different kind of "CustomEvent" (derived from a "BaseModule" class) to each other. Each Module just knows that it is connected to others "BaseModule" (i.e. it does …

Member Avatar for madmax007
Member Avatar for peter_budo

I running my little blog on Tomcat 6 server. My hosting company allows me to set up multiple sub domains. I was trying to do for last few hours, but no luck. Having started with [code=xml] <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="mydomain.co.uk"> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm" resourceName="UserDatabase"/> <Host name="mydomain.co.uk" appBase="/home/user/public_html" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false"> <Alias>www.mydomain.co.uk</Alias> …

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The End.