10,539 Topics

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Member Avatar for GilbertB

I want to learn how you can do or is there any tool to do a search field in a website which basically you enter a domain name and it search if the domain is available or not. Basically this you can find it in web hosing websites - when …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I have the following web page: www.createtime4u.com/index - Copy.html Most of the page is now pretty responsive to changes in the desktop size (I haven't added any media queries for mobile etc yet) However I'm really stuck on this CSS slideshow. Most of the CSS for this slideshow I've …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for suavedesign

I have a website with embeded mps files. On ie9, you can see that it works fine; the media file shows up, you can press play, and it works. Here's the problem: In firefox, the mp3 player doesnt show up, and a pop-up message says that additional plugins are needed. …

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for des.hutch

Hello all, I'm looking for some help. What I want to do is quite simple only I don't have the knowledge or expertise in web development. I need a web page with a text field, which when submitted parses and saves the information to a table to be viewed. That …

Member Avatar for des.hutch
Member Avatar for newbie1234

My blog is www.khazanakhoj.blogspot.in. In this blog i am not able to go to old post and next post. Even i opened particular blog, in that also its not coming. Is here any help regarding this problem.

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for <M/>

I created a rollover image link... and the links don't work... can someone tell me what I got wrong....? my code: CSS is down here #F { position:absolute; width:96px; height:90px; z-index:1; background: url('facebook.png') } #F:hover { background-image: url('facebook_hover.png') } #T { position: absolute; width: 96px; height: 90px; z-index:1; background: url('twitter.png'); …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for fiona.mcburney

Hi there! I need enlightenment on the subject of altering an A record for a website domain name. I have obtained the correct IP address and provided it to the holder of the domain name records so he can change the A record. As far as i am aware this …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for GrEEfInd

Hey everyone, new to this place but i was hoping someone cuold tell me if theres somewhere where i can just copy and paste a code into my website for a comment box or something along those lines?? cause i'm not a web developer or software designer so i'm pretty …

Member Avatar for Noahv11
Member Avatar for magdi_alafifi

hi, okey here's what i'm trying to do.. i'm making a gallery .. when u roll over on the thumbnail -which is actually a text image- the big photo swaps to a 50% opacity image and when u click it swaps to the same photo with 100% opacity so what's …

Member Avatar for magdi_alafifi
Member Avatar for squigworm

I am having trouble importing a properly working .gif file into Dreamweaver. I am in the process of learning how to code and in the meantime could really use some help with this. So far I have found the suggested code <img src="image.gif" alt="image" /> Is this the best way …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for monica.slocum

I am trying to insert a small flash animation at the top of a webpage. The webpage is here www.idroidrandp.com/mbz. At the very top of the page you can see where the animation shows for an acheivement. Well the issue I have is when I insert it as a .swf …

Member Avatar for monica.slocum
Member Avatar for Percival07

HI PEOPLE, i have a problem with creating a menu in html, I tried creating 1 with list and it changes each and everytym i change a computer to another. Any1 with a better approach maybe?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for fuchsia555

Hello Dears I need help in having two columns in my website , i don't know why it can't be done i tried everything with table and div and css ,, but it appears on column is down and the another is up it's so strange !!!!!!!! i tried also …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for sanykhan

we have a new team in odesk and we are web developer team but we are confused about our team web site developmet. please see our [site](http://www.teamworkerpm.com) and give us a suggetions about our site. and you can see our odesk profile team. [odesk profile](https://www.odesk.com/users/~~927d1abd625ccb19) thanks all

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for fcvolunteer

I'm trying to finish the last tweaks on a [site](http://www.friendshipcirclenc.org/fc-evaluation-2011-2012/) I created using an Elegant Themes Wordpress theme and I'm having a frustrating time figuring out how to center the page titles so they are each exactly centered regardless of their width. Here's an image of how I want it …

Member Avatar for fcvolunteer
Member Avatar for dany12

htaccess transform contact.php in contact? I have tried this to transform index.html to index but is not working RewriteRule ^index\.html$ http://localhost/Seaweb/index/ [R=301,L] any help apreciated

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for kevwood

Hi all thanks for reading, i am having trouble getting my link button postioned in the correct place and the image. how i want it to look can be seen in fig-1 and what i am getting can be seen in fig-2. the relevant code i am using is as …

Member Avatar for kevwood
Member Avatar for Amnesiac11

I've embedded a video using <code><iframe src="HS Website Video Final 8-01-12.mp4" style="height: 232px; width: 534px" class="auto-style15" /></iframe></code> How do I keep it from starting automatically?

Member Avatar for Amnesiac11
Member Avatar for bazzo

HI there, I wonder if you can help me at all. In a few days I will have an interview for a web developer job, in a local company here in the US. I am good with css and html, and know a bit of javascript and jquery. Now, I …

Member Avatar for mohitz123
Member Avatar for zack654

I have problems to find inspiration in making simple designs. It's so anoying, I lose lot of time messing with styles instead of writting php code. Are there any tricks that people do to make design better and make quick layout. I don't look for something special, just simple design. …

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for ilmkidunya1

Hello every one i want to know about that how can i make an seo friendly Webdesign...

Member Avatar for James_Smith
Member Avatar for techy23

What are the key and unique benefits of HTML5 over other versions. how ahs it affected some third-party plugins. Which websites have started using HTML5 and CSS3. how are they using it. What is offline web feature and how to use it? Your help would be appreciated. Regards, Techy.

Member Avatar for siyajoshi
Member Avatar for suavedesign

I am having trouble with background images showing up in IE7. While everything looks fine in IE9, firefox, and chrome, when I checked on IE7, I see that none of the background:url (images/image); show up in my browser. Anyone know why, or a work-around for this?? Any help would be …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for <M/>

Can anyone write a simple code for a slider that fades???? i want to do one just like the one on mbusa.com.... can anyone assist??? Thanks in advanced!

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for dlannetts

Hello, Not sure if I am putting this in the right section or not but I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm not. I have recently made a email template, coded from html, I've done it in a visual editior provided with my email client. As you would …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I made an Edge animation with a stage which is, natively, 1600x900px. I've included it in an `<iframe>` linking to the HTML file outputted by Edge, on the page where it's to be displayed; as not all displays support this resolution, I wanted to use CSS media queries to resize …

Member Avatar for Patiodude
Member Avatar for donhomez

Hi Im not all new to HTML but im still learning. Im having a issue with my footer it wont stretch out. Here's a image: http://i.imgur.com/JZx0V.png And here's the CSS Code #footer { color: #ffffff; margin: 0; padding: 0; float: right; background: #000000 url(foot.png) repeat center top; width: 1500px; } …

Member Avatar for shekinah.chumz
Member Avatar for VEL Hassan

Is there any joomla template creator? I have installed Aristeer 3.o version on my Ubuntu 11.10 system but it not works. Please give me a solution and Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for RVanDerLike

I found an image rotator that works okay (combination of html and java script), but I would like to have the images disolve or fade into the next image. Anything out there that is not too complex?

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for RVanDerLike

I'm looking for a simple webpage visitor counter that can be embedded in the page itself. I used to see these all the time a few years ago. Now they seem to have gotten more complicated. I don't need all the other bells and whistles, just a counter I can …

Member Avatar for JorgeM

The End.