From the following Submissions which gives highest weightage?Which is best method for getting backlinks?
Forum posting / Directory submission / Article submission /Blog Posting.

Just wanted an opinion.

The best method to get high quality natural links is to create something worth linking to. You can fill your waste bucket full of blog spam links, garbage directories listings, useless articles submissions etc. and be slightly rewarded for it too but there is nothing more powerful than gaining links based on the quality of your web content. When people like what they see and read they share it.

That's my opinion based on over ten years in the search engine game. I've seen the trendy search engine manipulation tactics come and go. The link strategists are worried today because their mass link production babies are basically ineffective now.

Build great web content that doesn't require artificial external empowerement. Forget about link building schemes geared to make your content appear to be important. Simply build important content.

I agree with you. Quality is the topmost priority in building a website. If you add too much crap on your site then its not worth it for anyone to visit it. So always keep it up contentwise.

wow.. I know I did not ask the question, but I found your answers very insightful. Thank you.

To answer the OP's question, I would have to go with forum posting and blog posting.

Adding a blog to your website about your site's topic adds good, quality, fresh and frequent content to your site and it also demonstrates that you're knowledgeable in your field. Additionally, it serves as "link bait" ... content that people are naturally going to be drawn / want to link to.

I am also personally in favor of posting on various other forums within your industry when first starting out, linking to your site in your signature. Yes, there might be a little hint of SEO benefit (no one really knows whether forum signatures do much nowadays), but you're going to get your name out there among other people in your industry as an authority in your field. (Just make sure you're posting quality content!)

To answer the OP's question, I would have to go with forum posting and blog posting.

Adding a blog to your website about your site's topic adds good, quality, fresh and frequent content to your site and it also demonstrates that you're knowledgeable in your field. Additionally, it serves as "link bait" ... content that people are naturally going to be drawn / want to link to.

I am also personally in favor of posting on various other forums within your industry when first starting out, linking to your site in your signature. Yes, there might be a little hint of SEO benefit (no one really knows whether forum signatures do much nowadays), but you're going to get your name out there among other people in your industry as an authority in your field. (Just make sure you're posting quality content!)

I agree with cscgal ... high quality content is the way to go!

> I agree with cscgal
Always :)

hahaha ... good point!! I will always agree w/ CSCGAL

From the following Submissions which gives highest weightage?Which is best method for getting backlinks?
Forum posting / Directory submission / Article submission /Blog Posting.

Just wanted an opinion.

I prefer the 3 methods: Forum posting, Directory submission and blog posting. But still the best if the link is come from a relevant site.

Yes Relevant links are more power full for seo point of view


BTW this bookmarking is also important.

In my opinion it boils down to a combination of all that has been said i.e. Good Content Site/ Forum posting / Directory submission / Article submission /Blog Posting.

They're like the fingers on the hand. The hand needs all the fingers to function correctly.

The best method to get high quality natural links is to create something worth linking to. You can fill your waste bucket full of blog spam links, garbage directories listings, useless articles submissions etc. and be slightly rewarded for it too but there is nothing more powerful than gaining links based on the quality of your web content. When people like what they see and read they share it.

That's a great perspective, and I think it would really help people stay level headed and not get overly stressed about having enough backlinks. I guess this is what Google and other major search engines want anyway...the "natural" links that are result of having good content that is so good people link to it.

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